Day 1

22 2 0

Before Disaster Struck

Scarlett's  POV:

I was sat at my desk of Elle's Magazine Corp. in the West Village. My coworker and I, Johnathan, were editing and revising a shoot we did for the September issue.

"I love this shot. The angle, the angst, i'm thinking a black and white filter." I admired the picture of the model on my computer screen, waiting for Johnathan's response, yet he said nothing.

"Hey, dipshit, can you at least pretend to care?" I scoffed slightly punching his arm. He was so engrossed in his phone, it was like I was invisible. Oh how I hate being ignored.

"JOHNATHAN." I waved my hands in the air puffing like a toddler not getting their way.

"Yes... sorry- sorry..." He said while he furrowed his eyebrows scrolling on his phone.

"Yeah, what the fuck dude... anyways like I was saying-"
"Have you seen this?" I looked at him puzzled, he just handed me his phone.

It was a news article titled:
'What we have all feared... The U.S. setting stage for atomic war'

My heart froze for a second, "Yeah, right. How does that solve anything? We'll all just end up dead." I rolled my eyes handing him his phone, "Now back to things that actually matter- black and white or a blue hue for the filter?"

I just brushed that article off. There's so many false assumptions of what's happening. The war hasn't really affected people within the United States, we are still living life. Working, eating, resting, just living. Maybe it's the privilege in me, I just don't expect anything to really happen to us.

Kiersten's POV:

I was replying to client emails and got lost in my work. I was supposed to take off 20 minutes ago, I always end up staying overtime. I know Scarlett is off work though. I picked up my phone and called her.

She picked up.

"Hi Honey! I just wanted to call and let you know I lost track of time, i'm finishing up an email and then will head home. I also just wanted to check in and ask how your day went?" I swayed back in forth in my roller chair waiting for her response.

I could hear the busy of New York City's streets in the background, she must be going home.

"Hi baby! I am on my way home-"
"It was a good day! Finishing up some editing for a shoot. Also, I was thinking for dinner we could make that new pasta..." She slowly stopped talking.

"Livi? Are you there?" I checked my phone to make sure we were still connected.

"...yeah. I just watched two people brawl for a fucking case of water. weird..."

I just hummed, "New York, such a wondrous place." I sarcastically replied and started typing the email again.

"You know, earlier when I was editing with Johnathan, he showed me this article. It was talking about Atomic War? I mean surely that isn't true, right?"

I stopped typing, "What?"

"Yeah, I don't know- I didn't give it too much attention."

I opened my google browser and typed "Atomic War". A plethora of article popped up, none of which had factual evidence. It was all rumored. I started biting my fingernails reading articles.

"I mean it's definitely being talked about. I just would take it with a grain of salt. Until an official government report happens, this is just false propaganda."

"Elon Musk just tweeted 'Prepare.' What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Sweetheart, just head home, okay? I'm packing my bags as we speak. Don't go on twitter, articles, any of it. We don't know if it's true or not and I don't want you to get wrapped up in it. Call me if you need anything, okay? I will see you in 30 minutes."

We said our goodbyes and I hurriedly packed my work materials. I took a deep breath and looked out my window.
The streets looked busier than normal.  

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