Day 1 (Continued)

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Scarlett's POV:

I had gotten home and immediately dropped my things, changing into comfortable clothing. The silence of our home was too loud. I started to pace back and forth. "Fuck." I was getting a headache from all the fears fighting in my head.

I decided to make myself useful as I waited for Kiersten to come home. I decided to cook dinner and make her favorite meal, lasagna and salad. I started to grab all of my ingredients to make the entree.

"Hey Alexa, play Maggie Rogers." No response.

"Hey ALEXA, play Maggie Rogers." No response.

I sighed placing the ingredients on the counter. I walked over to the Amazon echo seeing if it was unplugged. I whispered examining the electronic, "So you don't wanna work anymore, huh?"

I walked over to the living room to turn the TV on, I can't stand the silence, I need SOMETHING. I turned the TV on and was met with static. I flipped to another channel, static.

Static, static, STATIC.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARGGHH." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, collecting myself.

"Calm down Scar. Breathe. You are okay. You are FINE. YOU ARE FINE, FUCK." I started kicking the couch that laid in our living room.

Overtaken by my frustration, I failed to hear Kiersten come through the door.

She just pulled me into a hug from behind. She gently shushed me, causing me to calm down. She spun me around so we met face to face.

With her hands on my shoulders, Kiersten just smiled at me, examining my face. She has this unexplainable ability to read me like a book.

"I love you, darling." She kissed my head.
"I love you too Honey, thank you."
I closed my eyes taking in the warmth of my beautiful wife.

"What're we to do about dinner? I was thinking maybe lasagna..." Ki walked into the kitchen, "Looks like you were one step ahead of me." She examined the pasta, sauce, vegetables, and other things that lay across the counter.

I blushed and laughed, "Shall we get to cookin' then?"
She let out an airy laugh and mimicked me, "Cookin'"
I scoffed, she's mocking me! "Okay mrs tea and milk, I don't want to hear it."
She acted offended and then kissed me on the lips.

Kiersten's POV

We were sat on the couch eating dinner together. I lit a candle to create a somewhat calming atmosphere. I wanted Livi to have a night of relaxation before shit hits the fan.

I avoided telling her what I saw on my way home from work. It was chaos, just pure chaos. The moment scarcity hits, we lose all sight of humanity. I saw people fighting. Fighting for what, I don't know. Grocery stores were overflowing. Traffic was at a stop. I don't know what's going on, but I hope this isn't forever.
I am terrified.
How could we go from normalcy to disaster in the span of not even 24 hours?

"...So anyways, it was such a long time ago but when I was a child living over in Brooklyn, I went to get ice cream over at Andy's Parlor, right? I kid you not, sat right beside me was Sofia Coppola. I wasn't the biggest fan at the time, but I mean her work has inspired SOOO much of what I do! Somewhere stored away in my parent's home is a napkin with her autograph. Isn't that crazy?"

I smiled and laughed, "What is it with you and luck? Isn't she the one who did that movie with- oh god what's her face? The sister? Oh for fucks sake, I don't know. Give me a second, it'll come back to me."

My forgetfulness was always so funny to her, I am not as immersed into celebrity culture as she is.

As I was trying to recall the names of actors, the TV that was once full of static turned into a white screen.

"Hey, how'd you get that to work? I've been trying all night." Scarlett questioned me.

"That's not me..."

The TV suddenly panned onto the president with his campaign team.

I immediately grabbed Scarlett, holding her close to me, "Whatever happens, it's going to be okay."
Do I know that for certain? Hell fucking no.

The president looked unprepared and scattered, "Good evening citizens. I am broadcasting over all radios, TVs, cellular devices, so I greatly advise you to listen to this message. As of this current date, our army located over in Europe has taken a fall. Many lives have been lost, many lives have gone missing."

He swallowed and looked down, "America, I fear this War is far greater than we could've imagined. This country will do what it takes to serve justice and win. We have recently been given a message from a country in Asia about a bomb being placed in our country, which would lead to death of us all- it could end what we know as America. As of today, we have decided to take action. We have created a weapon, an atomic bomb, which will be launched on the 31st of September. I regret that this message is so short of notice. I strongly advise you to prioritize your family and most importantly, God. This bomb will not only end our enemies, it will end all humanity."

He was crying as he tried to formulate his speech,
"Know this was no easy task. Life is being lost either way, but America will have the final say.
Everyone will be receiving a stimulus check so you can prioritize your faith and your family. May God be with you, America. It has been an honor serving you."

The TV went off. Tears were rolling down my face, everything was muffled. I could hear Scarlett screaming and crying but I was frozen.

I held her in my arms swaying back and forth.

After a few hours of crying with Scarlett, we both sat in silence. "Livi, I need you to call your Mom and Brothers. Make sure they're okay, make sure you tell them you love them. I am going to start packing our bags, we need to get out of here. We are going to Albany to stay at our cabin."

She nodded and got her phone out, calling her mom immediately. As I was walking to our bedroom my heart sank. I didn't have anyone to call, but it means everything to me that Scarlett does.

I started to pack necessities. Clothes, hygiene, food, things we need for survival.

That's what this is.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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