[1] Fortune Lies in Teacups.

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Through the veils of sheer lace curtains, a butterfly flutters past the window pane. Its azure wings against the fading amber of the evening sky was certainly a sight to behold.

Fleeting moments such as these that are most worth cherishing, you think.

Returning to the present, your gaze settles upon Fukuzawa who was as quiet as always. You'd be lying if you said that it didn't bother you anymore, even after the years you've spent with him. Not out of discomfort like before, you suppose it would be more accurate to describe it as restlessness. Without doing any work to distract your mind, you feel a bit clueless on what to say conversation-wise.

In the beginning, you worried a bit about being too boring. Ranpo's personality is eccentric enough to make everybody remember him regardless, Yosano is calm no matter what and is always reliable, and Fukuzawa is a person whom everyone respected and seemed to know. But you?

Just their useless tag along-

But that was ages ago, you've matured and don't think of stuff like that anymore! Envy can blind you from what truly matters so you normally avoid dwelling on these thoughts.

Of course, you can still feel like that sometimes but maybe that's okay. Everyone's been incredibly kind and supportive to you so more than anything, you're grateful. It had to have been some sort of blessing for you to have met so many wonderful people who genuinely care about you.

A whistle from the tea pot that rested patiently on the table alerted you that it must be finished brewing by now. See, an interesting fact you've learned is that many different things can affect the taste of the tea. For example, steeping the tea for a little longer than usual makes it slightly bitter which is easier to do for herbal teas. You also added more tea leaves than usual in this pot because Fukuzawa prefers a stronger flavour.

With practiced grace, you lift the pot and first pour its contents first into his cup, then into your own — the scent of earthy richness permeating the air.

The man gestures for you to indulge in the first sip but as you raise the cup to your lips, the peculiar sight of a singular tea stalk standing upright amidst the amber liquid makes you pause.

With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, you present the curious phenomenon to Fukuzawa, whose eyes twinkle in amusement. You've had to learn to pick up on small habits like that to tell what he's thinking, since most of the time he's always got a frown on his face. "It's believed to be a sign of good fortune."

"You really think so?" You smile. "Well, now that you've said it, I can't shake the feeling that something good will happen today!"

He hums, looking at the sunset. "The day is almost over so it may happen sooner than you think."

"Huh...ack-!" He glances back at you when the choking sound escapes your mouth, a little concerned. "I should've saved the luck for another day!" you complained sadly.

As you continue to ramble on about whatever came into mind, you don't even notice the sound of a knock at the door until Fukuzawa speaks. "You may enter."

While the difference is more subtle than most, his tone feels a bit more professional than before.

The unmistakable figure at the doorway was none other than Kunikida, the no-nonsense and exemplary member of the agency. "I'm sorry to disturb you, sir," he began, his voice cracking slightly in frustration, "but it seems that Dazai has once again vanished. I fear I must postpone my duties momentarily to track him down."

You find it a little funny how polite he is with the president, considering his attitude with the aforementioned suicidal man. Always so serious, which makes him the main victim of Dazai's antics.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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