chapter 9

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Author's pov


Mayuri was walking aimlessly on the road while thinking about her mysterious life. She was tired of crying. The humiliation which he gave her today was unforgettable.

How can someone be so cruel?

He never leave a chance to remind her that she is his to play and break.

She had never hurt anyone in her life. Not even her stepmother who never leave a chance to make her realise that she is like a  burden on their head. Then for what God is punishing her?

Doesn't she also deserve a perfect life like others ?

Mayuri smiled in pain as she wiped her tears stricken face.

She came out  from his mansion without his permission. She knows that the consequences of disobeying his rules won't be good but she became numb to remember any of his rules.

She covered her body with her hands trying to give some warmth to her body.

Her vagina is paining due to his inhumanely sex.

It's already late night, she did not have her dinner also. She has to reach home fast.

She started to walk fast when she heard a car horn from back. Her heart dropped at the thought of again being cought and get punished by him.

" Hey Mayuri"

Shreyansh called.

She turned and saw that it was not him but shreyansh.

Is he again following me?

He came out of his car and went towards her.

"What are you doing at this time all alone?" He asked with a serious look.

" Are you again following me?" She asked in irritation.

"Nope!!!.....I was going home and saw you therefore I called" he said.


She hummed in response.

"What are looking sad, did somebody bully you in college?" He asked.

Its better not tell him this ...

"None of your business "  she said and was about to go from there when he came forward and blocked her way.

This guy!!!

"Is Angraj?" He asked me in concern.

"No....leave my side I have to go home" she said and started to walk. Leaving him dumbfounded.

ANGRAJ crushed her respect, mentally torturing her to death. And the man was standing infront of her don't even know her properly but coming forward to help her.

Who can guarantee that he will not be like Angraj?

"It' seems like something is bothering you, come with me" he said and held her wrist and made her sit forcefully in his car.

"you could have wait for the food to cool down then eat, no rushing like that....." Shreyansh said as he cleaned Mayuri's mouth with a tissue paper.

Currently they are in a restaurant. He asked her in the car that if she had eaten her dinner. But he found her silent, he understood that she did not. And immediately brought her to the restaurant.

Phew phew

"It's so spicy...but I can have it" shreyansh said entering an another meat ball inside his mouth.

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