Max Exit Interview

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Nobody commented on either this or the actual book, so I'm writing questions submitted by my friends.

How to know who's talking: [Reporter] [Contestant]

Welcome everybody, to Cartoon Public Radio! I'm your host, FanficsYippee, and this is the start of a brand new series called "Exit Interviews"! After each episode of Cartoon Chaos, we will be talking with the eliminated contestant from each episode. So please give a warm welcome to Max the Crocodile!


Hi, Max. Wonderful to have you on the show.

Happy to be here! Despite being the first eliminated contestant...

Well, let's talk about that, shall we? How does it feel to be the first eliminated contestant?

I'll be honest, not great. I didn't get any chance to prove myself! I could have been a great team player. I've got muscles for days!

Sure you do, buddy.

I really do!

Yeah, alright. Next question. If you had more time on the show, who do you think you would have connected with the most?

Hmm... I'm gonna go with Action Beaver or Homer. AB was funny. Sort of the silent but deadly type. He's got some real potential! And as for Homer, I think I would've just enjoyed his company. It's nice to just do nothing sometimes.

It is indeed. But you don't get time for it in this game, do you?

Nope! You hardly get a moment's peace there.

So, tell us Max. Do you think you deserved to be eliminated?

I'm not sure. I guess dodgeball wasn't the best way to display my strength. Plus, I guess I didn't really take the game seriously enough.

True, dodgeball doesn't exactly give you the chance to flex those muscles. Speaking of which, who do you think the strongest member of your team is? Physically, not mentally.

You know, that's a good question. I'm gonna have to give it to N. He already displayed some amazing capabilities, like turning his hands into chainsaws, flying, shooting lasers...                Now that I think about it, how did we lose the challenge?

I suppose that's a mystery for another day. But who do you think has the strongest game? Like, who do you think is the best player?

Best player? Well, probably Knife. He's been in one of these things before, so I'd say he'll get far. He probably knows how to play the game well, and how to play to his strengths.

He probably will. Next question, if Cartoon Chaos came back for Season 2, would you do it?

Oh yeah. I didn't get a chance to prove myself this season, so I wanna compete in Season 2, if it happens, just to show people what I can do.

Nice to know you'd be eager to try again. Anyways, last question. Who do you want to win Cartoon Chaos? Not who you think will win, who you want to win.

Hmm... It's tough, since I didn't get much of a chance to get to know anyone, but I'm gonna say that I want Boja Bear to win Cartoon Chaos. He's a big animal, just like me! Plus, he's a sweet guy. I wouldn't mind if he won. But still, I wish everyone good luck in the rest of the season!

Gotta say, I didn't expect Boja to be your vote to win.

There's a lot you wouldn't expect with me, Mr. FanficsYippee.

True, true. Anyways, that concludes our interview. Thanks for coming, Max!

No problem! It was lots of fun!

I hope you listeners enjoyed that, because it's not the last time you'll be hearing these. Tune in next time for more Exit Interviews!


Phew! I did it. Sorry this took so long guys. Got busy with stuff, so I couldn't do much on this. Hope you enjoyed the interview!

Don't forget to comment your questions for our next eliminated contestant: SpongeBob!

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