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What're you willing to sacrifice ?


The day had started off as busy as it gets for someone who held such a high position. Erebus had no time for rest , papers needed to be sent and signed as well.

She had many things to focus on such as redevelopment for untouched land that her people found and reported to her . As well as contracts with the nearby dragon that had to be renewed to keep peace . Some areas in the nearest village to her as well needed reconstruction due to the aging of things that over time became rusty and needed a good fine tuning . She also needed to send out some gardeners to tend to the vegetation that was in the city .

She hadn't had time to relax and despite that fact she had Geo breathing up her neck over some boy. Romance was the last thing she needed , she was to ascend the throne soon and change to her true and final form . Yet everyone wanted to push someone onto her . Or even better yet something onto her as her annoying little brother decided to keep trying to pick a fight.

She absolutely despised it . It angered her even more if it weren't for the fact that she had other things prickling at her skin.

She was getting hungry again. For some reason it seemed to be wearing out quicker than it should . Shaking her head a bit and tapping her temple she put down the papers , she spent most of her time in her office and if not that then out in bordering areas where rogues were.

Ah , yes rogues . The perfect way to relive stress . Checking the clock to her left the time read 12:00pm , apparently there was a notice about disruption in the woods right behind the village .

She would head there and fix the problem. Hopefully relieving her never ending stress.

Walking out and down the stairs , she telepathically called for Geo and Viene , they asked if she wanted more reinforcements but she told them they could just bring themselves .

Panting slightly Geo leaned against a tree as Viene sat on the slightly wet soil . The sun was still blaring down on them making it be a bit hotter than it actually was if they weren't doing strenuous activity .

They had spent the last five hours , running consistently while fighting off rogues. Some were tougher than others and some were weaker . By now they had worked their way  back to the spot they were at a bit before .

A relatively huge lake , the large lake held the sun in it , the water was a beautiful see through blue and green due to the algae in it . Fish swimmed  through it calmly .

Geo stared down hungrily , " I want fish."

Walking by the girl Erebus sneered at her "Wipe the drool from your mouth." Actually going to wipe her face Geo frowned realizing she was in fact not drooling , she went to stick her tongue out at Erebus but the look she casted made her turn right back around and act like she wasn't doing anything .

Viene came out of the tree lining jogging towards them , " they're here !"

Getting ready Erebus watched , three big males came from the woods . Their limbs were half shifted into that of their respective animals , a leopard , wolf , and some type of primate .

Viene and Geo naturally went for the two on the side . Geo throwing daggers and Viene outboxing them only to use different variations of martial arts before pinning the creatures down .

There seemed to be an unnatural influx of rogues in this area . Unfortunately Erebus wasn't one for talking so she'd leave it up to the others to get and report the information .

A crack sounded as she kicked the head of the male that charged at her , his body dug into the dirt as he skidded . Before he could even get up she twisted his neck . It layed limp , seeing as the other were still playing with their prey Erebus ordered them finish them off .

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