War With Time

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What're you willing to sacrifice ?

In unison : Time


Time passed creating a gap between the two . Like a meteorite crashing onto their relationship it created a deep seemingly unforgiving crater  . But could they even say there really was one ? What was to be their relationship was owner and slave , or vampire and her blood bag .

They hadn't seen each other since that night , and it couldn't even be helped ; figuratively and literally .

As one was a King with duties and the other was left behind in the mansion , to tend to his own self .

But something that they shared was their deteriorating states . That was the sense of self they mutually shared together unknowing to the both of them.

Location: xxx
Time: 11:00 am

After having had gathered information and reported it back to her, Erebus was left to deal with the issue. And dealing with it she was ,

Taking a axe off the metal rolling cart she walked slowly towards the older man. Trevor Claus , a 45 year old werewolf who worked in the black market , specifically one of the ones who has dealing or more like letting loose rogues into her territory.

The man watched with wide eyes squirming under the chains as she took a seat in front of him with crossed legs and an elbow on top her knee dangling the axe on top of the cement floor . They were in an abandoned warehouse . So any sounds were no issue , and any eyes wouldn't be able to watch without loosing them.

She had gotten all the information she wanted about the situation , but there was only one thing she was the most curious about ,

"Who's letting you send these rogues into my territory?" Due to the fact most people underwent background checks upon moving into her territory it wasn't hard to know what people could be liabilities and who weren't .

However for the most part the only criminal activity that went down were stupid thugs who thought they were hot shit. That's why crime happened , but not trafficking of any sort .

Anyone who wanted to do that had to be outside of her land . And it was impossible to do it on the borders since the security was tight.

So someone with power had to be pulling the strings . Since it was obviously not her then that only left a couple other options .

Cough "I don't know what you're talking about ." The old man said , Erebus motioned over a guard

"Take his hand and place it flat onto the concrete ." She said picking the axe back up , the man screamed pathetically and she internally rolled her eyes "if you don't want to get hurt why do you choose not to talk."

"I didn't come here to have tea time with you . If you don't want to loose digits I suggest you start spitting something I want to hear." She said dropping the sharp head of the axe right next to his hand .

He looked around frantically , " I-i can't say who it was they'll kill me !" The man shrieked

"Well I'll also kill you , die here or you can die somewhere else . The difference between here and later though is the fact that I'll make you wish you were dead." She bit , taking the axe and raising it but as she quickly slammed it into his hand she flipped the head .

Only causing his hand to break as he screamed , loud woes echoed into the air.

That man was bawling , an ugly gross mess. Erebus's temper was rising , she hated dealing with things that were simple that people made overly complicated .

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