Chapter 9 The [love] facts pt.3

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{The [love] facts returned again once more these will count as chapters so that I can still do some more of this and then I'll get to do more. As this still counts as chapters, giving out the explanation of those that are infected by the love rot as there it's gonna be also some lore as well about the past, but I'm gonna do this first. Then I'm gonna do another set of facts.But I have to do this one first then I'll do the set of facts of Wally and the other neighbours. Then I'll do the lore for this AU of mine, but first I'm gonna do this then I'll do the rest later.So let's start doing this already.}



•Laszlo got infected by the love rot when he was thirsty, so he drank some infected water as then it began to change him physically, and mentally as his memories of the past became fractured like the others as he has some of his original personality, but like the others, his personality had become different as he comes to realize that the others have some pieces of their original personalities, but that was it just pieces as the personalities have changed

• Unlike some of the others Laszlo is taking a much more different approach upon meeting you as he is still excited to meet you after all, but he has self control, even though he is struggling with it, but he is trying to keep himself from going completely crazy by being near you as he tries his best to make you comfortable the best he can, and explains somethings that you must know about how the neighbourhood and the neighbours here are like

• he can't quite remember his best friend the only thing he can recall is that he is attracted to do things behind a theatre stage.


(Likes & Dislikes)

Likes: Scrapbooking, listening to poems, crosswords, jazz music, drinking tea, cuddles, bath bombs, chess, cherry blossoms, basketball, knitting

Dislikes: Loud noises, tofu, coffee, black liquorice, destroyed newspaper, hot water, falling on toys that are left behind, disorganization, bright flashing lights, loss of self control



| Abilities| creating mist, strange, light, red sparkles, creating small crystals, commanding the plants in the swamp neighbourhood, like the rest of the other infected neighbors, creating strange crystal like plants as well



Before: he had a very sleepy personality, didn't like to do so much activities always zoning out and not noticing when the other neighbours come in to play in his escape room, including very nervous sometimes

Love rot:when he got infected, he still has some pieces of his original sleepy personality, though he's a little bit more active even though some of the activities he does is mellow, but he's more active than he used to be as Laszlo is struggling with self-control has he is clingy when he notices you, but he is trying to maintain control of himself, even though it is difficult to say the least



Appearance:his appearance had changed since he got infected his fluff on him became a combination of a light and dark red colour not to mention that his clothing became baggy, but it was still wearable as his orange shirt has red flowers on it as his yellow pants have red vines with flower, thorns on it as well including his eyes became different. The eyes colour became red, and his eye pupils were shaped like hearts as the pattern on his wings, changed to having hearts on it with different sizes


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