Bored Beta Testers

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I asked for a story promp on Twitter almost a year ago... The prompt came through quickly, but I wrote half of this and then stopped cause I was stuck. I had an idea what I wanted to happen, but I just didn't know how to close it. lol
Thank you, Yanzer, for the prompt! I'm sorry it took forever to complete! QAQ

    Daytime; shortly after breakfast. It's one of the few days at the Slender Mansion that there may be nothing to do. All chores were completed, all missions successful, and all loose ends tied neatly with a bow; you found yourself unsure of what to do with such bounteous free time. Even your master, Slenderman, was wandering the halls in search of some task to stay busy. It's a strange feeling, accomplishment. Once you reach your goal, you have to make a new one. The time between each goal is what derives the feeling of limbo. Your body, so accustomed to remaining in motion, suddenly has nowhere to go.
    At some point during your discussion with Slenderman on the subject of what to do to pass time, BEN happened to walk by - an uncommon manifestation for a poltergheist who seals away in his room for days at a time. Upon hearing your lement, a sly grin spread across his thin lips, "You guys want some entertainment? I need testers for a game I'm making." You swore you heard just the faintest chortle escape his throat.
    "BEN," Slenderman warned, "if you intend to torture my Proxy, I will have to forbid this engagement."
    "You could play it with me," you gazed up at your master, knowing well that he would engross himself with a book or some needless paperwork. "It might even be a good team-building exercise." Twisting any activity into some sort of team benefit was always a tempting hook for Slenderman. He greatly valued such activities that would strengthen the bond between himself and his Proxies.
    A thoughtful hum reverberated from Slenderman as he pondered your suggestion. "Your problem-solving skills are still lacking," he cheekily replied.
    You worked to restrain your venomous comeback from fruition, knowing how dangerous your master's telepathy can be. BEN interrupted the playful tension before things escalated, "Well, come join me in my room."
    It was a dark, windowless room illuminated solely by the five computer screens chaotically clumped together on a folding table. A cheap-looking desk chair stood at the ready, nearly blocking your view of the monstrous PC tower that sat aside on the floor. Against another wall, an old 35-inch box TV rested on a narrow stand, hooked to an N64 console. There was no bed, as ghosts need not sleep, but there was a ridiculously enormous Snorlax bean bag shoved in the corner nearest the TV.
    "I'm getting into VR games, so you'll have to put these on," BEN retrieved two of four home-made VR headsets. You silently hoped that you wouldn't get zapped.
    Another thought fleeted through your mind, wondering how a headset meant for eyes would be effective on an eyeless being such a Slenderman. When you glanced over to witness your master equipping the rudimentary gear without question, the thought was pushed aside for a later conversation. You placed the head gear on, expecting to be staring at a screen within it, but all you found was darkness. The keys of BEN's keyboard clacked away for a few seconds until you felt him press a button near your temple. It was then that you realized he had yet to provide you the hand controls that typically accompany a VR set.
    "Hey, BEN, don't we need-" You completed the remainder of your sentence just as all of your senses were bombarded by new ones, much like the sensation of Slender-walking with your master. "-controllers?"
    The ambiant hum of electronics no longer filled your ears. Replacing the artificial sound was, strangely enough, the ambiance of wind rustling leaves and birds twittering in the distance. The sight before your eyes matched well with what you heard, flora of all sorts scattered around you and Slenderman, stretching far into the distance. You tilted your head up your master, examining just how real he looked. The visuals in BEN's game were surely top quality. You lifted a hand to examine it, noting that every action you made felt as though you were in your real body. Whatever technology BEN had created, you just hoped that it didn't cause any permanent damage in the real world.
    "BEN," Slenderman spoke up, "what is our goal for this game? Is this an exploration test, or would you prefer we activate some scripts?"
    Echoing in the air, no different than the way Slenderman's voice broadcasts, BEN answered from no visible source, "Just exploration. I haven't even made any NPCs and stuff yet."
    "Care for a stroll through forest, my dear?" Your master's long, bony fingers uncurled with a welcoming gesture, to which you accepted with a dainty placement of your much smaller hand.
    Both of you assumed a casual stride across the forest floor, pivoting your heads to absorb every aspect of the sights and sounds that BEN had designed himself. How long had it taken him to get things just right?
    After a few minutes of walking, you decided to test the collision boxes a little better; watching the leaves and grass tumble and sway at your feet was wonderful, but what else could the environment do? You determined the best way to do this was to climb a large, oaken tree. Its limbs hung high, low, and all around, reminding you of the Celtic World Tree. Its anchoring roots wove through the mossy earth. You noted how your ankles threatened to roll with each imperfect step that you took across the uneven roots, signaling that the hit boxes were much more fine than most games you'd played.  Usually, everything was squared off, and your limbs wouldn't be able to go into the crevasses of most areas. Sure, there wasn't really much functionality to it, but it certainly added to the immersion value.
    Holding out your arms at your sides, you worked to regulate your balance. Slenderman watched from the sidelines, studying the massive tree's structure. He began climbing the branches with his several inky tendrils. Seeing your master raise himself higher and higher was oddly mesmerizing, causing you to lose focus on where you stepped on the gnarly roots in your path.
    Then, without warning, one of your feet fell on nothing, causing you to lose your balance completely. You looked down to see where you might fall, only to find that there was no bottom to the pit you had slipped into. A panicked gaze back up to Slenderman gave a familiar view of the world's surface gradually raising higher and higher above you. Despite actually falling, you couldn't feel the typical effects of gravity - or lack thereof - when falling.
    "BEN! She slipped through an opening!" Slenderman's voice called out as he dove into the same hole that you had fallen through. Instead of waiting for the possibility of him catching up to you, the eldritch being used his Slender-walk ability to appear just below your helpless form. He easily captured you in his long arms, cradling you with confidence that both of you would make it through this dilemma.
    No matter how long you had known the mysterious Slenderman, he never ceased to amaze you how readable his facial expressions were. The nearly smooth flesh over his otherwise humanlike head gave little for social cues, and yet you were able to notice every crease, every flex of muscle hidden just under the surface. You could swear that your master had winked at you, or whatever equivalent of a wink would be for him.
    "I've got it," BEN's voice came through the atmosphere again. "Resetting positions." Within two beats, you and Slenderman returned to the surface of the digital world completely unscathed. You were surprised to find yourself still being held by your master, to which a light blush began to dust your cheeks.
    Noticing your discomfort, Slenderman set you down to walk on your own, "It seems that BEN still has a bit of work to do with the hit boxes." He tittered at your agreeable hum, to which BEN exasperated.
    For the rest of the time, you and your master continued to frolic and test the vast forest's features. The two of you played with the flowers and cattails, something that was common enough in Slenderman's own territory. Yet, there was something special about this world that BEN had so daintily built. There was an essence of mystery and wonder, despite the lack of fauna and other characters. You found other areas where the hit boxes weren't quite shaped correctly or missing a section entirely, but with Slenderman watching over you, there wasn't a care in the world that you would be harmed. BEN was also there as back-up, of course, but you had forgotten about him and the virtual world that you were testing out.
    "Master," you called to the tall being nearby. As soon as he turned in your direction, you began beating the compacted fluff of the two cattails in your hands. There was no short animation of fluff drifting in a strange direction; instead, the seedlings wafted toward Slenderman with quick succession, carried by the programmed breeze. You laughed as the typically stoic being waved his hands before him, fruitlessly trying to repel the material that tickled his pale skin. It was amazing, truly, to see the seedlings swirl with the new calculations taking into account of Slenderman's hands creating several brief differentials in the air current.
    Before you could recover from your laughter, the ground hit your back with a firm thud and the soft curling of small vegetation. You opened your eyes to find Slenderman pinning you to the ground, his much larger frame intimidating as his legs straddled what little of your body remained under him. Heartbeat giving away your inner thoughts of forbidden romance and beastial desires, you heard your master chuckle lowly. From all sides, you saw his tendrils rise from the ground. There were fully-bloomed buttercups held in his curled appendages. The devious knitting of your master's brow swiftly changed your thoughts to playful terror.
    The sensation of several paintbrushes with the silky softness of flower petals undulated all around your face and neck. Slenderman damn-near cackled at your pathetic whimpers - somehow layered with giggles - as he did his best to tickle you with his floral weapons. You writhed underneath him, knowing that any attempt to escape would be futile under his capabilities.
    "Excuse me," BEN's voice echoed through the air, interrupting you torture. "That's cute and all, but I need test data."
    As though he remembered the fierce leader than he was supposed to be, Slenderman dropped the buttercups and rose to his full stature. "I believe we have been testing collission and environmental manipulation efficiently," he stated matter-of-factly. "We've also discovered numerous hit box errors. Are there any targetted areas you were hoping to cover?" He didn't bother offering you a hand to help you stand with him; typical master behavior.
    "Yeah, I guess you're right," BEN replied. "You two can come out for now. I want to ask some questions about physical sensations and audio. Stay still for a minute."
    It didn't take long for BEN to disconnect the VR headsets, practically awakening you from the waking dream you had experienced. To your amazement, you were still standing, rather than laying on the floor; most VR science fiction that you saw or read had people laying for safety reasons. You couldn't hide the smirk curling on your lips as you admired the intelligence that BEN harbored in his otherwise childish and sadistic mind.
    After the post-test interview, you and Slenderman discovered that the two of you had been playing in BEN's VR world for 3 hours. Neither of you would speak a word of what transpired within that world, and Slenderman undoubtedly threatened BEN to keep that secret. Still, everyone already knew that there had been something brewing between the two of you for a long time now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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