Undertaker [Black Butler] +

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"Ah, wasted effort is one of the privileges of youth."

"Podsnappery to a dollymop like that? Hahaha!"

"I rather dislike those who make others do their dirty work, but watching a second-born prince barking at a knot is entertaining. Perhaps if I'm lucky enough I'll get new clientele from his antics.~"

"Don't sell me a dog, Ashengrotto, or you may find yourself grinning at daisy roots."

"I wonder how long it'll take for dear Yuu to realize the skilamalik from Viper.~"

"The Pomefiore dorm personally to me is butter on bacon, especially with the throne. Hehe, but what do I know?"

"That Shroud has techniques with souls I have never heard of, perhaps I should pay him a visit soon.."

"Ah, what do I think of Draconia? He's quite hilarious actually, I'm glad to have met him! He's my business partner, if you will. I get laughs in exchange for information of gargoyles in my world. You know - before I got here - they were coming back again in architecture."

"Yuu and Grim? Well, all I need to do is follow them to get a good show! Trouble seems to always find them.~"

"It's a shame I can't convince Yuu to let me put more than a few coffins outside of my 'designated workspace.' I'm more than sure it would make the place more lively."


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