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"I'm so sorry."

The doctor looked at couple, the woman's eyes were filled with tears. Just like her own daughter, she couldn't speak nor hear. Her husband held his wife's shoulders tightly. "Please give us some time." The doctor heed the man's words and then walked out of the hospital room.

"Hey, love it's okay" The man signed to his wife with a reassuring smile. "She's still our daughter" He added. The wife signed back to him "No! I don't want her to have a hard life just like me. I want her to be happy" She lets out a sob. Her husband wiped the tears away and hugged her tightly. He cooed smooth words to his wife, kissing her forehead.

"It's fine. Everything will be fine, beautiful." He reassured her, trying to ease her worry.


The couple tried to raise their daughter as much as they can. They immediately got her some hearing aids so she can get used to them. If one thing the mother did, she quit her official job as an accountant so she can take care of her daughter while her husband continued on with their company.

The woman taught her daughter how to do sign language when she was at the right age. About 6 years old.

I sat on the chair as mother and father talked with a doctor. I couldn't make out any word they were saying. Mother then stood up and sat beside me, holding my shoulders firmly as father and the doctor came closer, I immediately closed my eyes thinking that they might hurt me but there was none, instead I felt something be placed in my ear.


Voices.. I can somewhat hear.. I opened my eyes and saw my mother and father. Mother was looking at me with teary eyes while father was smiling. "Sweetie? Can you hear papa's voice?" Father asked.

I could only answer with a nod, I feel so happy!

"Oh my sweet child!" Mother said, wrapping her arms around me as she cried.

This.. is fine right?...

I can hear now..

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