03: A New Place

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My own thoughts were interrupted as I felt my phone vibrate, I immediately took it out and he was asking where I was. I panicked then rushed over to the entrance of the school where we planned on meeting back.
"Where were you?" He asked me, I signed and just told him that I went to the gym to check how big it is. He seemed to believe me at first then we both went to the car so we could grab something to eat and I could get some rest once we arrived back home.

My heart was still beating, I wish I could've stayed longer. My thoughts were interrupted by dad giving me my schedule. I smiled, thanking him before taking the paper and checking the schedule for this semester.I'm free on thursday's and friday's meaning that I can do most of my time with chores. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay on your own? You'll be living with boys, washing they're laundry and-" I tapped on my father's arm, interrupting him. It's fine. Mom didn't raise a quitter you know. I reassured him, this made him smile and ruffle my hair. "Yeah, you're right. But if anything goes on, call me." He said.


The following day came by immediately, I was nervous. It was currently 9:00 in the morning and the meeting with the group was scheduled at 10:00. So Jared is currently driving me to the dorm. I kept checking myself to see if I look presentable, at least. Not to mention school starts tomorrow, meeting 5wirl will be the first step in communicating with others. When we arrived, I walked out of the car. Was already by the entrance so I went to greet him. "Oh miss you're here!" He greeds, I smiled before waving. "Shall we go in?" He assisted, walking ahead, I grabbed his arm and to get his attention. Do they know about my status? I asked him, he shook his head, reassuring me with a smile. "No, they don't. Don't worry. You can introduce yourself as normal" This made me sigh in relief, I composed myself before continuing to follow him.

Now standing in front of the door of the boy's dorm I cannot help but feel nervous. "You ready?" he asked me, I nodded and he entered first. I folowed suit, when I entered it immediately reeks of wine. The smell caused irritation in my nose. "Boys!" Yuzumi called out to them and 5 boys gathered, looking at them, they are somewhat only a couple of inches taller than me. "I want you guys to meet your new housekeeper" I looked at the group and saw a familiar blonde person.

We made eye contact and his eyes widened, a huge smil forming on his lips immediately. He ran up to me and started to speak with his hands. "(Y/N)! It's been a while! Me and Lumine hasn't seen you since forever" His mouth spoke while he signed. I recognised him immediately. Aether! I didn't expect to see you here! I told him. "Oh? Do you two know each other?" Yuzumi asked, quite surprised. Aether looked at the manager and nodded "Yeah. She was a childhood friend of ours, we lived in the same neighborhood but moved away after" He said.

"Well, looks like I can leave this introduction to you then." Yuzumi said. "Of course" Aether answers and the manager left, walking out the door. Aether looked at the rest "Everyone, meet (Y/N), a childhood friend of mine. Um.. She's deaf.. so she can't speak. Unless it's sign language." He introduced me, I tapped his shoulder before pointing towards my hearing aids. I saw his mouth form an 'o' shape before turning back.

"She's currently wearing hearing aids so she can hear you. You can introduce yourselves normally" When they heard this the young man with dark blue and green colored hair walked up first. "Hello! My name's Venti, pleasure to meet you. I'm the leader of the group, currently I'm an English Major and a third year" his smile is really warm. Next, the young man with long platinum blonde hair came up to me. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Kazuha. I'm a second year, also an English Major. It is my first time meeting a mute person, if you need any assistance, please do come to me. You can talk to me using our phones" Kazuha's introduction made me blush.

I poked Aether to get his attention and signed so he can translate. He laughed a bit. "She said that it's a pleasure to meet you, too" He said. After Kazuha, the maroon haired grinned at me when I looked at him. "Shikanoin Heizou, at your service. A forensic major. if you have a problem you can't solve, clue me in" He said, winking at me. Finally, my eyes look over to the last member of the group, he had green hair, the main one being a darker shade and some being a lighter shade. "The name's Xiao.. I'm one of the choreographers.. I take criminal justice. Nice to meet you" He said, making eye contact with me. His eyes are very pretty...

"And you already know me, your one and only lovely friend. Aether!" The blonde in front of me grinned. He grouped with the other four and I bowed as another greeting. "Well... Now that the introductions are out of the way, (Y/N) come sit" Aether grabbed me by the wrist and ushered me to the couch, sitting down while from the corner of my eye, Kazuha made us some tea. Venti, Xiao, and Heizou sat across from me while Aether, along with Kazuha, came back with a cup of tea, sat beside me.

"So, (Y/N), you look quite young... How old are you?" Venti asked. I looked at Aether and signed my answer to him so he could translate. "She said she's 19 and just moved in recently. She'll be going to Teyvat university to study filming. Also, she'll be staying at the vacant dorm room beside ours..." He translated. "A first year?... won't it be difficult to take care of the dorm while studying?" Xiao asked, his arms crossed as he raised a brow. I smiled and took out my schedule for this semester. They gathered around to take a look before going back to me.

" 'I have free time on Thursday's and Friday's. I can do the chores at that time. I can make you guys breakfast and lunch early in the morning. Since you have to go to the studio after school to practice, I can make some dinner'" Aether translated once again. "Looking at the schedule, my free time is also on Friday." Kazuha gazed up at me from the paper and smiled. "If you need any assistance I can help" He said. "We'll help whatever we can, you're still a first year and there will be lots on your plate." Heizou said. "Yeah! We're not THAT lazy" Venti continued "That would be possible if you can learn how to stop drinking and leaving your bottles scattered on the floor" Xiao tells him with a slightly worried look. Venti giggled in embarrassment. I can't help but feel comfortable in their presence, I watch them and converse as I drank the tea Kazuha gave me.

Aether tapped my shoulder and I looked at him. "They're all nice people, don't be afraid to ask for help. Alrighty?" I nodded, smiling. "You can start first thing in the morning, right now, why don't you make yourself comfortable back at your dorm?" Venti requested, I nodded, finishing the tea before standing up. I grabbed Aether's hand and looked at him, signing. Can we talk for a bit at my dorm? Just to catch up. I ask him, he nodded, mouthing 'sure' before standing up and looking at the rest. "Guys, me and (Y/N) are gonna catch up a bit, I'll be back in a bit" He said. "Sure thing. Be sure to be back by, we need to come up with a new song" Xiao reminded. "I will" With that, Aether and I went back to my dorm.

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