A Stranger In Time

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With the sun casting a gentle glow, Sakura took a deep breath, her heart fluttering with a blend of excitement and nervousness as she stepped outside her apartment complex. Today marked the beginning of her medical school journey—the day she had eagerly anticipated since childhood. Finally, her dreams were transforming into reality.

Adorned in a casual black flare dress, complemented by a cozy white cardigan, Sakura felt a surge of confidence as she slipped into her double strap ankle wedges. Her long pink tresses were elegantly arranged in a high ponytail, accentuating her youthful appearance. She opted for minimal makeup, subtly enhancing her natural features. Sakura understood the importance of presenting herself professionally; the days of donning sweatpants were long gone. As a medical student, she aspired to make an indelible impression on her professors and peers. Every interaction counted, bringing her one step closer to the day she could proudly proclaim the title of "doctor." Her aspirations were unfolding before her eyes.

Following her recent completion of her undergraduate degree, Sakura wasted no time in enrolling at Konoha Medical University. Despite receiving advice to consider a gap year, she firmly believed that beginning her medical studies immediately was the optimal choice.

She decided to take the scenic route before her first class, giving her some spare time. As she walked along the river, reminiscing about her childhood memories of building forts and skipping rocks, Sakura's peaceful walk was interrupted when she noticed an alarming figure on the shore. It seemed that fate had chosen her first day to present her with an unconscious man.

Panic consumed Sakura as she rushed towards the man, "Shit shit!"

She couldn't just leave him there, but what was she supposed to do? It felt like a test of her abilities as a future doctor. If she abandoned him now, it would be a clear sign that she was not fit to become a doctor at all.

Examining the man, Sakura couldn't help but admire his features: medium length black hair, one bang slightly longer on the other side of his face, a strong jawline, a pointy nose, and appealing lips. However, she quickly scolded herself for getting distracted from the situation at hand.

Kneeling down beside him, Sakura pressed her ear against his chest and breathed a sigh of relief as she heard his steady breathing. "Well, thank god he's still breathing," she muttered.

Her attention then shifted to the man's attire. It seemed like he was dressed in a cosplay outfit from the Land of Ancestors era. Sakura couldn't understand why someone would be wearing clothes from a thousand years ago. It was just one more thing adding to her already eventful day.

Assessing the man's condition, Sakura concluded that he didn't appear to be critically injured. His breathing remained steady, giving her some time before she needed to go to class. With this in mind, she decided to support him by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and leading him back to her nearby apartment. Luckily, she didn't live too far away. She still cursed at herself for wearing heels though.

As Sakura stumbled her way back to her apartment, she carefully laid the unconscious man on the couch and reached for her first aid kit. Suddenly, she felt a strong hand grabbing her wrist, causing her to let out a scream of surprise, "What the fuck!"

Confusion washed over her as she questioned her own actions. Shouldn't she have just called the police and let them handle the situation? However, deep down, she couldn't resist the opportunity to test her medical skills on the stranger. But now, as she looked into his mysterious onyx eyes, it seemed like a bad idea.

"Where am I?" the dark-haired man asked, appearing disoriented as if he had come from another world.

"Um... I... I found you by the river. You were knocked out, so I brought you here," Sakura replied nervously. She couldn't explain why she felt nervous, but she also couldn't ignore the attractiveness of his voice. Nevertheless, she couldn't ignore the fact that she had brought a stranger into her apartment without knowing anything about him.

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