Shattered Timelines

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Sakura spent the entire day in bed, refusing to get up. Deep down, a part of her hoped that he would still be there, that he had woken up before her. But as the afternoon approached 6 PM, she knew that it wasn't the case.

Lying in her blanket, she gazed up at the ceiling, her mind swirling with thoughts. Was this truly the end? In her heart, she should have seen it coming. After all, she had come across that article that mentioned how time travelers could potentially gain control over their journeys if they found love.

She couldn't help but wonder if there was a possibility for him to return. Did he even want to come back? She felt guilty for wanting him to stay in a world that wasn't his own.

Thoughts of endless possibilities raced through Sakura's mind. Maybe it was all just a dream, and he wasn't real. Perhaps it was simply her imagination playing tricks on her.

Summoning the courage, she finally got out of bed, only to find clothes scattered on the floor. A glance at her nightstand revealed his phone resting there. Nervously, she wrapped herself tightly in her blanket before leaving the bedroom.

She made her way to Sasuke's room, her hand trembling as she reached for the doorknob.

"Please let him be here," she whispered in desperation.

As she swung open the door to his bedroom, she called out, "Sasuke...?"

Silence met her ears. No answer. There was no sign of him.

Tears started welling up in Sakura's eyes as she glanced around the room, not finding any signs of his presence. That was enough proof for her. But just as she was about to leave, something caught her eye - a pink gift bag sitting on his bed. Curiosity consumed her, and she cautiously approached it. Her eyes widened when she saw her name carefully written on it. Attached to the gift bag was a card. Sakura picked it up and read the message inside:

"Dear Sakura,

I wanted to say thank you for opening my eyes to this incredible life. You've shown me a world full of possibilities and I'll never forget it. You've taught me so much, and my memories of the past are now filled with memories of the future all because of you.

Thank you for everything.


As she gently set the card down, tears started streaming down her face as she unwrapped the gift. It was a beautiful picture frame containing a photo of her and Sasuke, taken just a few nights ago at the banquet. The sight of it was undeniable proof that he was real, that he had existed.

Her heart felt as though it was being ripped apart. The pain of knowing she would never see him again was unbearable. He no longer existed in her lifetime, and she had lost him forever.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," Sakura whispered to herself, laying down on his bed. She clutched his pillows tightly, longing to hold onto his scent.

With him, she had experienced emotions she didn't know were possible. He had taught her how to care deeply for someone, how to be patient, and how to love.


"Hey, forehead, you alright? You seem off these past few weeks," Ino asked as they walked out of their lecture.

Sakura shook her head, trying to deny any problems. "Yeah, I'm totally fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Ino looked at her with concern. "Come on, I'm your bestie. I can sense when something's up. Is it because of Sasuke? I remember the day you guys left the club so abruptly and I haven't heard of him since."

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