New Coworker

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No Idols were sexualized here. This is pure fiction and nothing can be done with that.
If you're under 18, I suggest you to stop reading when It reached the smut part.
Please read at your own risk


The sun shone brightly until its warm light got into the extra wide room that I sat in. It was summer and now I was taking a rest after taking care of others' children. While sipping my no longer cold coffee, I looked outside the window.
The children were napping right now, nice and cool in matresses despite of the hot day. In the next 15 minutes, the daycare had to be actived again because there was another shift from 12 to 4 p.m and that meaned I had to be ready for that.
I had been working in this daycare for a year. At first, I didn't feel bothered by that, I like children, and my job was just playing with them and taking care of them.

But, it had been very exhausting recently. Since the number of the children kept increasing each day, and I was alone here. My energy was being drained so quickly. And it's even worse that I didn't have someone that could be my heart-pouring place, I really wanted to have a boyfriend but sadly, I think it's not the time yet. Nothing that I could do with that tho.

It's a relieve that the owner informed me there would be a new member tomorrow. And the person would be my coworker. I still knew nothing about this person. I didn't get any information. But I hoped I could get well with this person.

It's finally the time to open the daycare again. The children on the first shift were already picked up by their parents and here came the second shift.

Time walked so fast and it's already the time to go back home. I locked the gate of the daycare and walked back home by myself, my house is just a few minutes from here. When I was walking, I accidentally bumped to a man. We both immediately apologized to each other and continued to do our own things. I got a glance of his face. He has slanted eyes, fair skin, with an attractive face. I really wished I could get someone like him as a boyfriend, if not, at least as a friend.

After reaching home, I directly cleaned myself and got a short nap. The rest of the day, I spent my time watching my favorite drama series.

Tomorrow had come and it's the time for me to meet my new coworker. When I reached the daycare, I saw a familiar man, waiting for someone in front of the gate of the daycare.
He wore a familiar jacket that I'd ever seen before.

My intuition urged me to ask him, so I did.
"Excuse me, sir. Are you waiting for someone here?"

"Oh, yes, I am, are you....? Y/n??"
"Ye...a..h, but how can you know my name?Have we ever met before?"
"Maybe, we bumped yesterday, remember?"
"Ooo, so it was you, that's why I feel familiar with your jacket. But, what are you doing in front of a daycare? Do you want to entrust your child here?"
" way, ahaha, I am single bruh, I am here to work."
"WAIT-, you are my new coworker?"
"Yes, the owner told me that I can start working from today and I am here to help someone called Y/n and it's you!"
"Oh, yes, yes, she told me too, two days ago if I'm not mistaken. What's your name then?" I said while started to open the gate so both of us could get inside.
"I am Jeongin, Yang Jeongin, 01 liner. How about you?"
"Ahaha, you already know my name tho, but no problem, my full name is Lee Y/n, 02 liner."
"You're a year younger than me, this is amazing."
"What's amazing 'bout that?"
"Ummm, yeah, we can go on better. Perhaps, same interest too."
"Oh I see, that's right, come one let's get in"

And with that, we both got in, I immediately explained all the things he had to know.

"And that's all that you have to do as a worker here? Is my explanation clear enough for you? You can ask me whenever you need help." I smiled while ended my explanation.
"Wow, those things sound hard to do, but I am excited to do this job. Thanks, y/n"
"No problem, make yourself comfortable to work here."

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