Ch. 1 ~ A small argument...

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Roach sits on the couch the two shared, listening to Soap bitching about how he's always leaving him out. It wasn't his choice - he never wanted to leave the other man out. But he had to, for his sake, and for his own. He would've told him, but it would risk losing more than he wished.

Suddenly he's snapped out of his thoughts, a hand grabbing at his shirts collar. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE ME FEEL INCLUDED!? DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS HURTS!?" Soap belted at him, his voice booming in his eardrums. Roach placed a hand on the others shoulders, trying to calm him down.

"Listen - I don't get to choose this... I don't want to leave you out, but I can't risk hurting you!" Roach spoke, desperately trying to explain his reasonings without actually saying them. Though, his attempts failed, and just moments later he watched as his love stormed out of the room, not even sparing him a second glance.


Pulling a warm coat on, Roach stepped outside with his black boots and mask still on, not even bothering to take off any of his gear such as goggles and helmet. He stepped out into the rain, locking the door behind him to make sure Soap stayed safe. He sighed, letting his hand rest on the plank, wooden door for a brief moment, just thinking. Thinking about how much he may have failed his partner...

He looked up at the midnight sky, his eyes tracing each and every gray cloud that was pouring water droplets down onto the pitiful planet he called home. Small, bright flashes illuminated each crease and crevasse in the clouds, outlining their beauty and power.

The stars weren't visible in the second, meaning all the light that was able to be seen was just a foggy mosaic of the moon. Even then it wasn't that bright, though sometimes the clouds would thin out meaning more light with each movement of the clouds.

He began to walk along the concrete path, his footsteps ringing in his ears with each bounce of a step he took. Eyes glued to the ground, he watched the way the small coating of water on the hard cement splashed with every stride he made, droplets landing on his shoes.

His eyes never once lifted from the damp concrete, staring down as thoughts whirled through the hurricane that was his mind. His goggles were covered in small droplets as they raced down the tinted glass that made his field of vision.

He sat down on a bench finally, near a bus stop, despite how much the raindrops soaked into his clothing. The warm, dewy smell of the rain pouring down was cofmorting to him, and helped calm him down, think more rationally.


I'll have to tell him eventually... He thought, walking back inside his house and locking the door behind him. But not yet...

He say down on the couch and held his head in his hands, trying to figure out a way to keep this secret balled up for longer, yet not make his lover feel left out. It was a hard thing to weigh out, and he didn't know how he was gonna do it. The more he thought, the more stressed he grew.

Eventually, he just gave up for now, resting against the couch and falling asleep there, his gear still on.

That was a thought for another time...


Soap walked into the lounge room, looking at Roach passed out in the couch. He sighed, rubbing his node bridge. Again? Really?

He walked over and pick him up, feeling how cold and drenched his lovers body was. He was a little worried so brang him into their shared room, placing him in the bed and pulling the blanket over him. He stared on for another moment, a hand on his lovers forehead, making sure he wasn't sick.

He then sighed and left the room, shutting the door behind him. He was worried, sure. But still mad and upset about how left out he felt with his lover. It angered him, but it wasn't really anything he had a day in, nor anything he could change.

He'd just have to let time take it's toll...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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