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-----~[JENNA'S POV]~-----

I take in a deep breath and try to relax my nerves.

"I am 18 years old."  I say and his eyes go wide. His pen suddenly drops from his hand and he rakes his hands through his hair a bit frustrated.

"Okay I cannot do this anymore. I'm sorry but you have to leave Jenna." He says and I frown.

"Why  ? I am capable of doing anything, just trust me this once. Do not look at my age. There's absolutely nothing I cannot accomplish once I set my mind to it. please just trust me please I really need this. I need this money, please." I say and watch as he stares at me mouth agape.

"You have no idea what you are asking for Jenna and once you step into this, there is not turning back." He says and I feel my heart in my throat.

I slowly look down and fiddle with my fingers once more. "I don't care whatever work it is you have in store for me. I will definitely do it. And I am confident in myself that I will accomplish it. Please don't try to be rude to me because of my age. I am much more than you think." He stares at me for a long while, his mouth slightly open with an evident shock on his face, then he curses and throws his head backwards leaning against his seat with his hands in his hair. he looks at me for a while and covers his mouth as if thinking deeply of my case.

"Are you sure about this? Jenna I am telling you that once you find out what this job is about, you will not be able to go along with it. Make up your mind now, you are too young for this. And once you step in, there is no stepping out. What do you want Jenna?" he asks and I feel like my chest is about to explode from the excessive suspense.

I take in a deep breath and adjust my backpack behind me. I clench my fist and gaze back at him with a determined look. "I will do it anyways."  He looks dumbfounded as he looks up behind me probably gazing at Michael. He squints his eyes and turns his focus back to me.

Then sighs and leans against the table with both hands.

"Fine. As you say my little one. I think I have finally found the perfect candidate for this job." He says and my eyes go wide.


He looks up. "Michael. Go and tell the other applicants to leave. I have found what I want." He says and joy as never before courses through my veins. I can't believe my ears. is he really picking me? Is he really accepting me? Just like.....that?

No this can't be real.  I must be dreaming. This can't really be true. He is really accepting me .

Oh god .

I feel my eyes water with tears and immediately wipe them away so he won't see me weeping.

"Thank you so much sir. You really have no idea how happy I am." He examines me for a while with a frown.

" I won't to be thankful and appreciative right now if I were you young lady. You haven't even heard what is in store for you." He says and I chuckle excitedly.

"Don't  worry. Try me and you'll be surprised how much I'm going to surprise you." I say and he is squints his eyes at me.

"Really?"  He asks and I smile.

" Yes. Try me." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"You  amuse me a lot young lady."  He then takes a deep breath and leans back against his seat folding his arms. "so are you ready to know what is in store for you?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes, sure. Hit me."I  say and he laughs.

After a long while, he looks at me beaming beautifully and then brushes his hair backwards.

"Okay then, as you wish my lady. The young man sitting right in front of you talking to you is a severely addicted sex maniac. In the sense that, sex is like an addictive drug that if I don't get, I tend to overreact and go crazy. I need a dozen of it from time to time to cool my nerves and make me sane." He says and I frown wondering what his reason could be for telling me all this.

" so what does that have to do with caretaking?"

He chuckles. "  This is where you get the meaning of the care-taking wrong . What I want is not just an ordinary caretaker  that will care for my needs. I personally can do that for myself. What I want is a caretaker to take care of my sexual needs." He says and leans back as if waiting for his words to digest.

I  gulp hard as my smile disappears.

Geez, why is this spacious room feeling so suddenly hot? I brush my hair behind my ear nervously and chuckle.

Oh you got to be kidding me. Please Lord, do not let it be what I think it is.

"So literally, you are telling me what you want is a sex buddy?" I ask and he smiles.

"You  just hit the jackpot, beauty."  He says and I blink.

Oh you got to be freaking kidding me!!!!

Is that why..... oh my god. is that why everyone kept staring at me like I was silly when I go in here?

I find myself laughing uncontrollably and nervously. Then I adjust my backpack behind me.

" I am extremely so sorry sir. I had no idea this is what it's about I just thought..."

"  Well it's already quite too late isn't it?" He says and my heart twists.

"What ?"

He smirks. "I have already sent the other applicants away. I have chosen you and like I said earlier, there is no turning back."

I feel my world spinning in numerous confusing spirals and I bite my lip.

"Please don't do this to me, it was a mistake, I had no idea this is what you were talking about..."

"  But I warned you didn't I?"

I gulp. "  I didn't know, how the hell am I supposed to know a caretaker  can also be a sex worker? I freaking didn't know I was just..

"Enough  young lady. I have made my decision and it's final. I have chosen you and you are going to be my sex slave for 3 months. But because of the gravity of your age, I will be merciful with you and double the money. I will be giving you 30 thousand dollars every single month. So in a total you will be receiving 90,000 dollars. What do you say?"

What the fuck... Is he crazy? I can't and I won't sell my dignity even for a billion dollars.

I chuckle. "Please sir, this was all a mistake. I have to go, I am so sorry." I say and  get up from the seat.

I turn around to notice with shock that Michael isn't in the office anymore. When the hell did he leave?

I however, ignored
the thought and walk briskly towards the main entrance. I grip the door handle and try to pry it open but it doesn't budge.

" I am so sorry young lady, but the deal has been set and there is no turning back ..... just like I said." He says and my throat feels like it's about to burst.

I slowly turn around to see him walking towards me as gigantic and as tall as ever with his glorious and enormous muscles bulging right through his tuxedo.

Oh bless me heavens. I'm so fucking dead.

I chuckle nervously with trembling lips wanting to cry.

  " It doesn't have to get to this, sir, please just let me go, it was a mistake...."


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