France x Philippines

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Philip is sitting on the couch playing on his phone, when suddenly there was a knock at the door.  philippines stopped what he was doing and got up the couch to go and answer the door.

When he opened the door he was suprised to
see france holding a boquet of cond0ms
infront of phil.
France,"Bonjour, Phil i brought these for you so we could have some fun~". He said with his thick accent.

Philip,"France, sorry but i'm not really in the mood for "fun" right now." Phili say's but inside he actually wants to have fun but is too embarrassed to admit he does.

France, "Come on, Philip~ you know you want to." France says in a flirty tone as he leans against the door frame still holding the boquet, As france follows it with a sinister smirk.
A small blush creeping on philip's face as he turns to the other side not facing france. Philip, "If you really want to know then...yes i do want to have "fun"..."
France's eyes perks up and he enters the house and closes the door behind him as he pushes philip down onto the floor and following it up with france topping him and speaking.

France,"Hmm...should we use the condoms or not....Nah". As france kisses philip's neck making philip have a soft moan escape his mouth and a red blush again forming on his face making france smirk as much.

You know what happens next.
Daily reminder: You are the most perfect person in the world and nobody can endure in that <3

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