31: Prom

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Ishqi pov

"Did you pick out an outfit yet?"

"Well, I haven't thought about prom lately. I was pretty busy trying to study for the standardized tests. I guess I can start since it's over now."

"Ishqi, it's tomorrow!"

"Really?" I look at my phone to confirm the date. It feels like I time jumped a few weeks.

"Oh my gosh, Ishqi! I am panicking for you!" Ally looks at my face, puzzled. "Why aren't you freaking out? You haven't gotten a dress and there's probably only ugly ones left." She buried her face into the hands and groaned.

"I have a dress."

"You just said you didn't have one," she popped her head back up again.

"I didn't say that. You asked if I planned prom yet, I didn't said I didn't think about it."

"So, you only have a dress?"








"Corsage color?"

"What's that?"

"Oh my gosh, Ishqi. Are you trying to stress me to death?" Ally stares at me in disbelief.

"I think it's fine. I mean, it's just a dance," I shrug.

Ally gripped my shoulders, shaking me. "With AHAAN VEER MALHOTRA. I've been rooting for you guys and so it has to be prefect. You know what? Carson already booked a limo, so you guys should join us."

"Alright, sounds fun."

"Let's go get our nails and hair done together."

"I'm not really into that stuff."

"Fine, I'll just go with my cheer squad. But tell me if you change your mind."

"I will," I nod. Ally leaves me to catch up with her cheer squad. I reposition my backpack and bury my face into it, resuming my nap. After a while, I turn my head to get some air. Slowly my eyes creak open to see Ahaan's face an inch away from mine, pressed on my backpack. "Ahaan!" I yelped, nearly falling back.

"Napping again?"


"You know what's tomorrow, right?"

"Yep." I nod.

Ahaan sighs, unconvinced. "Ally had to remind you, huh?"

"Yeah," I sheepishly reply.

"I figured. You haven't brought it up after..." Ahaan voices dies away and we looks away in hot embarrassment from memories of that night.

"Ally invited us to ride a limo with her and Carson."

"Cool. I think Luke and Logan are coming with their dates as well."

"That's nice. I haven't seen them around in a while."

"We're meeting up at Carson's house."

"Sounds like a plan," I smile.

The bell signals the end of lunch. Ahaan tries to take my backpack, but I take it before he can.

"You don't have to escort me to class."

"I'm going the same way."

"You're not."

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