35: Charlotte

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Ishqi pov

Summer is already starting to end, and I haven't done much. Each week my friends would of course drag me off somewhere and I would have one date day with Ahaan. The other five days I work, and I only have fun when I sneak off to see Ahaan working at the sports store during slow hours. However, slow hours are rare, since it is summer and people love ice cream during summer.

Because of this, I stupidly agreed to going to Sonu's sleepover with her whole ballet class. I didn't know there was TWENTY girls in that class!

So now, I'm sitting in the floor as they put dollar store toy makeup, which I'm sure is not safe, and tie my hair into a million ponytails in all directions, nearly pulling hair out of my scalp.

"Ow...ow...ow, ow, ow...OW!" I yell, as I could hear a few strands of hair snap.

"You have to sit still."

"I'm going to put more blush."

"You moved! Now I drew lipstick on you teeth!"

"Maybe we should put her in a tutu!"

"I have to pee. Be right back." I lie.

I wrangle myself free of the girls and head for the bathroom to wash my face, because I'm sure I'm having an allergic reaction. I'll just lie I slipped and my whole face dipped into the water. It's ridiculous, but hopefully they buy it.

I flick on the bathroom light before entering, but a pair of arms wraps around me from behind. My hands instinctively fly up and cover my face.

"You look so cute in pajamas," Ahaan says, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I'm not sure where "cute" came from, because I had on my dad's old shorts, Ishita's shirt with holes forming, and long socks that were on discount.

"Thanks, but I have to pee, so..." I say through my hands, so it comes out muffled.

"What's wrong?" Ahaan spins me around, much to my resistance, and struggles to pry my hands from my face. He lets out a sigh and laugh. "I thought you were crying," he says, relieved.

"A little when they yanked my hair out."

"I'm sorry," Ahaan frowns, but quickly takes a picture of me in his phone, cheekily grinning and happily sets it as his phone's wallpaper.

"I have to get this stuff off before I go blind from this eye-shadow."

"Let me help you."

"Sure, thanks."

Luckily, because the makeup is so cheap, it had little resistance to the water and came right off. Ahaan tries to take off the lipstick off, but its greasy and proves difficult. After a few more swipes and being a bit more vigorous, the lipstick is off, but my lips are stained.

Then, we move onto my hair that currently looks like a glittery bird's nest. Ahaan tries to carefully take off the hair ties, but its so tangled, a few hairs are lost. My eyes water a bit from the pricks in the my scalp and Ahaan becomes alarmed.

"Are you alright? Does it hurt a lot?" He sweeps the tear off my cheek. "I didn't mean to pull hard."

"No, its fine. Its not your fault. Its really tangled," I reassure him. "I'll take it out," I suggest. Since I'm pulling it out myself, I'm able to prepare for the pain, and it hurts less.

After I'm finished, Ahaan brushes my hair gently as I sit on his bed.

"You should've told them to stop if it was going to get that tangled," Ahaan sighs.

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