Trouble In Paradise

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"you're a disappointment Maria!" I groan and open my eyes as my father's raging, loud voice booms from the corridor through my bedroom door with so much venom

The blinding lights slips through the curtains and I rub my eyes. I open my eyes and stare at my wooden ceiling and my blue bedroom walls, I drop my hands down to my white cotton bedsheets and sit at the edge of my bed, with my short, stubby legs grazing on the cold, wooden floors.

"how could you say that?" my mother's helpless voice calls me out of my sleepy state as I hear her voice crack as she tries to defend herself

I hope it's not happening again

I drag my ten year old self to my bedroom door and place my ear on the wooden frame to listen in on their conversation

"all you ever do is mope and act like you're better than everyone else" my father's words pierce my little heart through the wooden door

How could he say that to mommy?

"it's that woman isn't it?, I know she's the one filling your head with all these nonsense" I hear my mother's words filled with bitterness, like she's holding back her tears, like she's in so much pain

"stupid bitch!" a loud slap echos through my door and before I could think about my next action, I was already outside my bedroom door

"daddy stop!" my tiny high pitched voice echoes in the corridor, I stare wide eyed at the scene before me, my face terror stricken, my father's hands were on my mother's neck about to strangle her to her death.


"please s-stop" I whimper as the tears come flowing down my face, I manage to muster the only two words that came to my mind

Their heads snapped in my direction, they looked like deers caught in headlights. My father's hands slowly retracted from my mother's neck as they both realized that I was there all along

"D-daddy?" I look at him doe eyed, with tears continuously streaming down my face expecting an explanation, expecting that he'll tell me that it was a mistake, that he didn't mean it like last time, but all he does is hiss and walk away

I hear a loud bang echoe from the living room as my dad leaves the house, probably to get drunk again

Will this ever end?

"honey" my mother's hoarse voice whispers, she walks towards me and crouches down to hold my small figure in her arms as I sob continuously

"m-mommy w-will this ever end?" I manage to muster words through all my sobbing

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