Chapter 1 (Stopping the White Fang/How it Started)

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(Y/N) Pov. Stark Tower

After what happen yesterday I was on my way to class and I can't believe this is happening, Jaune and Ren know my secret! They know I'm Ultra Spider, Peter said that my spider sense should had know they were there but I guess the stress of what happen during that chase last night was too much for me it ignore my senses. Even more I have to tell the rest about what Black Cat showed me about what the White Fang found, but for now I can't focus on Spider stuff. Now I need to focus on my (Y/N) Goodwitch stuff, I was in one of the labs I was assigned doing my latest project.

(Y/N): Ok so if I add a bit of this here and add a this there. Ok that's done, now the color.

I looked at my new suit and it was almost complete thanks to Tony's instructions for this... well he had the acronym for it but I forgot it. Anyway if you're wondering where Tony is, well let's say he's gone with the Avengers in space to help the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rocket owes me a new web shooter after he stole my last one, whatever. After adding my personal HUD I was about to select the colors till I heard a knock, I place it in the secret compartment to hide from anyone.

(Y/N): Come in!

The door open and revealed a certain someone who looks up to me and wishes to be like Tony.

The door open and revealed a certain someone who looks up to me and wishes to be like Tony

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(Y/N): Hey Morgan.

Morgan: S'up (Y/N).

She closed the door and smile sweetly at me.

Morgan: So Ultra Spider, finished your new suit?

(Y/N): Almost, Iron Girl. Just a few touches and it will be finish.

Morgan: Sweet can't wait to see it. Your current suit is almost worn out right?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's slowly decaying after our battle with Rhino last week and yesterday didn't help at all. Glad to have a new one though.

This is Morgan Stark, daughter of Tony and Pepper Stark. Whenever her dad is doing hero stuff Morgan takes over of Stark Industry and Avengers Tower, she's trying to make her own Avengers like Captain Rogers but hardly any young hero would be up to the task or even anyone to join. She doesn't go to school since she's not only homeschooled, although even if she did go Morgan is way too smart to even be teach. Kinda like Weiss, but Weiss needs a license so there's that.

Morgan: Can I see it?

(Y/N): Sure.

She inspects the suit and she had a thinking look while she examined the blueprints, Morgan looked at me with an unsure look.

(Y/N): What?

Morgan: It's impressive especially since it's more flexible, the bad so far is that it's not like my suit. It lacks protection. (Y/N) why not wear the Iron Spider suit?

(Y/N): (sigh) Morgan as much as I love the Iron Spider suit I know there's flaws in the suit. First it's made of nanotechnology and if someone like Doc Oct get his tendrils on me he could had use that against me, the 2nd it's way too advance for someone like me to possess. One wrong move and people will know who I am, the 3rd is that it takes too much power and last time I charge it we had a blackout for 2 hours.

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