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Spaghettiman: Richie says good morning 🌞

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Spaghettiman: Richie says good morning 🌞

Sassystan: I just realized that Richie hasn't worn his glasses in a while

Spaghettiman: he got rid of them

Spaghettiman: when he waited to get contacts he would always run into walls and I would have to hold his hand everywhere he went 😂

Farmerboi: you told us that I think and Stan was laughing so hard 😛

Sassystan: it's still funny 🤣

Billyboi: I'm wheezing-

Bennybiatch: pfft-

Winterembers: yall didnt know that 🫠

Farmerboi: 🤣💀

Spaghettiman: he is hot tho

Farmerboi: wow. Just wow.

Billyboi: this gc makes me wanna commit suicide 🔪👦

Spaghettiman: Wtaf

Sassystan: please don't leave me with these morons 😭

Billyboi: it's an expression :/

Winterembers: so Ed's tell me. When do yall plan the wedding to be on 😏💍

RocknRichie: on the day you dad fucks your mom again

Sassystan: Richie stfu 😑

RocknRichie: 😛no😛

Spaghettiman: im so proud of you 🥹

RocknRichie: why is that darling?

Spaghettiman: you brought back the jokes again!

Billyboi: OH YEAH HE DID 😱

Farmerboi: let's go skateboarding to
celebrate ?

RocknRichie: someone explain to me why this is a big deal 😀✋

Spaghettiman: the deal is I get my precious comedian back 🤗

RocknRichie: since when was that precious to you Ed's

Spaghettiman: since for like- forever and ever ♾️

RocknRichie: yeah right I still have my doubts 🤨


Spaghettiman: 👏YES 👏

RocknRichie: 👏PERIOD👏

Sassystan: bill can I talk to you please

Billyboi: yeah I'm coming gorgeous
      Bill entered the room to see stan looking as he was embarrassed of an unknown subject. Bill sat by him, picked him up, and positioned the other to be facing his lips on his lap. Bill reached up to Stan's face and smoothed it gently with the back of his hand. "W w w whats wrong b b b baby?" Bill questioned tilting his head in confusion. Stan sighed as he looked in the other direction. Stan gave up and plopped his head onto bills shoulder. "I honestly don't know- it's just- now that we are married, what if they don't treat us the same I guess? I dont know I have a weird feeling about this and I honestly have no fucking idea how to skateboard and what if i embarrass myself and they laugh at me?" Stan whispered. Trying not to cry. " I I I I'll teach y y y y you!" Bill comforted while running his hands up and down stans back while lifting up his cardigan once and a few stokes here and there. "You're lucky I trust you." Stan sneered lovingly. Stan looked back up to bill meeting his auburn hazel eyes. Stan pressed his forehead against bills and took a deep breath. Stan mouthed "I love you." Making bill smile. "I love you more." Bill mouthed back booping Stan's nose gently with his fingertips. Bill switched his hand from Stan's back to his ass and slapped it ever so gently earning a small squeal from Stan and a look that was signalizing death. Bill threw Stan off his lap. "C c come on p p princess! W w we gotta g g g go!" Bill laughed speedwalking out of the room. Stan facepalmed and followed after him.
The losers were all sitting over the ledge and being pussys. " who's going first?" Eddie said as if it was a life or death situation. " your all pussys!" Mike remarked. Standing up and getting ready to go. Richie was sick of their fears to so Richie stood up as well, grabbing Eddie and joined in with mike. Bev fixed her skirt and checked her nails. "This better not mess up my beauty or else you're all dead as fuck!" Bev continued, being the third one to take action on the fun. Ben rolled his eyes and left also. Leaving bill and Stan. Stan looked mortified when bill looked at him. Bill remembered why Stan was acting like this and reached out his hand. " you c c c coming?" Bill teased. Stan took bills hand and they started to slide down the ramp. Stan glued his eyes shut but realized he was safe. He looked over and saw bill practically having the time of his life. Which made Stan happy. He heard a thud that made both him and bill stop. "How the hell did you already manage to fall you loony toon?" Eddie confronted as he saw Richie on the ground laughing his ass off with a scrape on his knee. The losers all got off of their skateboards laughed. Bill whispered in stans ear. " s s see! You are n n n not the o o only one w w who was b b b bound to fall!" Bill laughed making Stan burst out in laughter. He couldn't BELIVE he was scared when Richie fell flat on his face and he doesn't seem scared nor embarrassed nor mentally challenged at all. Instead, Richie was having...


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