27 (flashback)

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Richie was tired of being talked to by Eddie. At this point in their relationship, he's not even sure if eddie loves him anymore just as much as he loves HIM. Every time Eddie called
Him a name or insulted him, inside he felt like he was drowning in a pool of heartbreak. And tonight was just that night.
Eddie and him were sitting peacefully on the couch and Eddie was on his lap. Richie was happy and content until Eddie started to talk at a making out scene in top gun. "If we ever did that I would honestly throw up if you didn't brush your teeth properly." Riches heart dropped. "Because you are a terrible kisser." Richie's heart dropped more.
Richie shuffled Eddie off of his lap almost crying, ran into the bedroom and shut the door with a lock and sank into the mattress and tried to breathe properly. Eddie was confused but kept on watching the movie as he probably needed something.

That was until he was in there for two hours and silent.

That's when Eddie became concerned. Eddie walked into the room with a Bobby pin he found in the bathroom and was absolutely mortified. Richie was on the floor

With a knife and severely wounded cuts on his thighs and forearms.

The Bobby pin dropped out of his hand as his heart dropped out of his soul. "Oh my god...what have I done?" Eddie whimpered. His hand covers his mouth as his eyes sank in tears. But that doesn't matter at the moment, Richie needed an ambulance!

But Eddie decided against it. It was his fault Richie cut himself terribly so he had to take responsibility. He had to LOVE him the way Richie wants and deserves. He got sterile alcohol and athletic tape and bandages along with antibiotics and went in to the room again. Surprisingly, touching the cuts weren't as bad as he would've thought.
Instead, he felt guilt and sorrow. Not disgust. But love and compassion. Unable to forgive himself he instead put that forgiveness into Richie. Bandaging up the wounds he kissed all of them. Not caring and not thinking abt what he was doing. The truth is he didn't feel afraid anymore or unsafe but he felt ok! And Richie made that happen. He just took a minute to realize it.
After kissing the bandages on his forearms, Eddie tucked away some of the hair on Richie's forehead and smiled with a smile he hasn't made in a few years. The smile of love. Looking at Richie made that smile come to life. Eddie knew that now. Eddie kissed Richie on the lips like he was Snow White. The power of true loves kiss always worked in the movies so maybe it would work out now?
Miraculously Richie woke up and blinked. Not believing what was happening. Not believing who has just kissed him with a passion and who was holding him with great care. Eddie motherfuckin krasprak. The germophobe boy who was always afraid of him. "Richie...I love you so much....i love you so so much and I hate that I didn't show it...why didn't you say something to me baby?"

"I was scared to hurt you Ed's."

Richie had this look in his eyes that showed the fear he was speaking of. Eddie couldn't BELIVE what he was hearing. Richie Toizer was scared. Of him. Richie Toizer was scared of his own boyfriend. "Rich...-" Eddie was speechless. He had no idea what to say. But he knew what to do.
Eddie grabbed Richie's face gently and took his lips onto his. The kiss seemed to last forever. Eddies lips tasted like mango and cherries. The kiss let go slowly. "I'm so sorry....im gonna do better sweetheart I promise Richie I promise!" Richie chuckled as their noses nuzzled together.

"I love you dickwad."

"I love you more spaghetti man."

Eddie gave Richie another kiss, then one on his cheek, then one on his collarbone. "Damn princess I could get used to this!" Richie initiated the kiss this time. But slowly Eddie not Richie's lip for the first time. Wanting to be let in his mouth for the first time. Obviously Richie granted and what eddies tongue on his felt like, felt like heaven. Richie was finally feeling happy again.

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