The last letter 💌

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My dearest love,

As I pen these words, my heart aches with the weight of unspoken emotions. For years, I have watched you from afar, yearning for your touch, your presence, your love. In the depths of my being, I have carried this one-sided love, knowing that you never knew I existed. But now, as the sands of time slip through my fingers, and the shadows of mortality loom closer, I can no longer keep this secret buried within.

Throughout my life, I have waited, hoping that one day our paths would intertwine, that you would see me, truly see me, and recognize the love that has burned within me for all these years. Alas, that day never came, and now, as I face the inevitability of my own demise, I find solace in the thought that perhaps in death, our souls will finally find the connection that eluded us in life.

Please know, my love, that even in death, my heart beats solely for you. Though you may never read these words, they are etched upon my soul, a testament to the depth of my affection. As I take my final breaths, I release this unrequited love into the universe, hoping that it will find its way to you, and that you will feel the echoes of my devotion.

Farewell, my love, my eternal longing. May you find happiness and love in the arms of another, for it is all I ever wished for you. And as I depart from this world, know that my love for you will transcend time and space, forever etched in the fabric of the universe.

Yours, in this life and the next,

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