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                           Chapter Two: old News

I don’t think I had ever been so annoyed in my life. After all these years Macin High School was still the same. The sound, the look, even the smell. Glue and body odor. I pushed my way towards the office ignoring the kids and teachers that stared at me. I was starting to regret my decision in doing this job; maybe I would have been better off sitting at a desk for a month. When I got to the office I handed the school secretary my paperwork then sat down in one of the chairs in the office. I hadn’t been in here for more than six years, when I got caught making out with Matthew Grey behind the bleachers in 11th grade. I shifted in my seat regretting it had even popped into my head. We hadn’t talked since I dumped him the day of graduation. I could still remeber the look on his face. The truth is he was my first love, but I would of had to give up my dreams to stay with him and no matter how I looked at It I couldnt bring myself to give It up. I wanted out of this small town and I knew he had no plans of leaving this place.

" Ok Sarah everything should be good. Your first class if chemistry." Mrs.Sweatest the secretary said wadiling out from behind her desk. She wasnt as talkative as the secretary when I went here but she was a hell of a lot nicer.  The Secretary I had, Mrs. Mchellster was a short skinny women with grey hair and dull blue eyes, she wasnt a very nice women, but that didnt stop her from blabberring on and on about who could remember what. Mrs. Sweatest was the complete oposite with her dark brown straight hair, tall rounded frame, and green eyes that sparkled in the dim lights. I smilied at her, her personality was a refresh on how much school had change over the years. 

" Thanks" I said taking the paper in her hand.

When I walked out of the office I looked at the clock at the end of the hallway. A little over 5 minute until the bell rang and I would be officaly (Under Cover). My mind raced as I looked around at my past and my present so many good and bad memorys locked in one place that were being set free flashing through my mind, but I didnt have time to dwell or marvel over it. I had a job to do and it deffinitly wouldnt get done if I wasted my time day dreaming. That was a luxury only slackers had and I deffinitly wasnt a slacker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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