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As zoro stood in front of of the gates of UA unaware of where he is he looked around confused by all the technology and just decided to sit down on the sidewalk and take a nap in silence not really caring much about his surroundings since he doesn't sense any haki users anywhere nearby he doubts he can be defeated by anyone near by him, he remained asleep for a few hours obviously he got some weird looks from random people but no one really said anything so he slept peacefully but not as comfortably since its the concrete is hard (i forgot to mention but its currently night in mha verse) anyways he slept there basically all night till very early morning about 6 or 7 am? Eh doesn't matter anyways he gets waken up by a weird rat bear mouse thing maybe a mink from zou? and a very sleepy black haired guy tjat looks like he's running on 30 cups of coffee they look confused at why zoro is sleeping there and the black haired guy looks ready to fight just in case some thing goes bad

"what are you doing by the gates of UA asleep at 6:38 am?" Aizawa said and looked down at zoro in confusion

"hm? Oh im lost, i don't know where am honestly i just appeared here put of nowhere so i got tired and took a nap since i had nothing better to do" zoro said nonchalantly and yawned still sleepy

"how old are you if i may ask? And what is your name?" Nezu asked zoro with a more kind tone

Zoro stayed quiet for a moment considering if he should lie or tell the truth 'they don't appear to be stronger than me but who knows if there's marines here? I'll lie about my age but not name since there doesn't seem to be wanted posters anywhere within our eye distance and they look friendly- ish...' thought to himself and decided

"im 15 years old and my name is roranoa zoro" zoro said

"ah you're very muscular to be a 15 year old and seem very serious" nezu said confused

Zoro looked confused and looked at himself he noticed he was back in his 19 year old body but is still capable of doing the same moves as his current 21 year old body can do 'huh this is odd i never expected myself to turn back like this..?' Zoro thought to himself

"Im lost and have no home to go to i was abandoned as a kid so i sleep anywhere" zoro lied it was basically the best thing he can think of to say

"o-oh um my apologies for making you explain uh do you have your parents around or a legal guardian we can talk to?" Nezu said feeling bad that he possibly brought up bad memories

"...i never really thought of my parents... i hardly knew them so i don't know i don't think they're alive either" zoro shrugged not knowing what to say

"ah i see do you need a bed to sleep in for now? Perhaps a hot meal?" Nezu said with a kind tone

"that would be helpful... thank you errr..." zoro didn't know his name

"my apologies my name is nezu and this black haired sleepy guy is Shouta Aizawa pleasure to meet you" nezu said with a smile

"nice to meet you kid" aizawa said with a sigh

"nice to meet you too and thank you for the offer nezu if it isn't a burden than i will accept" zoro said and stood up grabbing his swords

"its fine kid we're heroes either way we're expected to help" aizawa said, zoro doesn't know what he meant by heros but went along with it just in case

The three of them head to the nurses office where zoro got to sleep on the bed in the nurses office, meanwhile aizawa and nezu are talking in his office and after a while of talking they agreed on something, they went back into the nurse office where zoro was asleep but now he's awake fixing the bandages that chopper had put on him from a fight before

Swords in a hero verse? (mha x OP) HEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEWhere stories live. Discover now