𝟑. 𝐒𝐨, 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝

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I wake up the next morning at about 10am to Gracie's hands in my hair and to Gracie staring at me. 

My eyes go wide as I let out a big sigh. "Oh god so it's true?" I dig my head in her chest.

Gracie laughs. "What do you mean?"

"Last night wasn't a dream?" Gracie wraps her arms around me.

"Your neck is proof it wasn't" I look up at Gracie, confused. I begin to get up and I look in her mirror.

My neck was covered in hickeys. I turn around and she laughs. "What the fuck, Gracie?" 

She laughs more and gives me a warm smile. "My bad." 

I loudly sigh. "I really should get going, Gracie." I pick my clothes up off the floor.

"Already?" She sits up and rubs her eyes.

After I finish putting my clothes on, I stop to look at her. "Then pick me up at 8 tonight."

She tilts her head  and looks at me. "Great, I'll pick you up at 8..."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and grab my purse. I leave her house and get back in my car.

I deeply sigh after I get in my car - I realize I forgot my necklace. The family heirloom that has been passed down to women in my family for decades. I left it on Gracie's night stand.

I felt too awkward to go back in. Gracie will find it and give it to me tonight, right? I start my car and drive off, why the fuck did I ever consider it a good idea to try to get revenge on Gracie?

I finally make it to my house and I unlock the door. Suddenly, a worried Miguel springs off the couch.

"Don't tell me you fucking slept over at her place." He put his hands on his hips.

"I may of...just maybe-"

"Aubrey!" He interrupts.

"What? I called you yesterday, right? She asked me to stay the night. And you know I just said yes..." I shrug

"You did call me but you didn't add that you where staying the night?" 

"I don't know why you care so much," 

"Because I saw how broken you where the last time Gracie broke your heart. I don't want it to happen again, okay?"

I roll my eyes.

"I don't need my twin brothers help, I can live my own life." I storm into my bedroom and collapse on my bed, just awaiting Gracies arrival.

I suddenly get a call from Leo. 

"Hey, whore." He says.

"Hey, twink that is obsessed with my brother." I clap back.

"Im going to hang up on you." 

"You're the one that called, anyway." I shrug.

"Okay Aubrey with the Aubretude? What happened?" He asks.

"My brother."

"Oh god, what next?" He groans.

"Is everyone gonna be a little bitch today?" I roll over on my back and sigh. 

"Woah, woah, Aubrey. What happened?" His voice gets serious.

"I literally just told you, dumbass, it's my brother. And I'm regretting what me and Gracie did last night... like a lot, and I'm regretting this mess I've gotten myself into, but it's all apart of the plan." I say, Leo goes silent.

"Aubrey, what plan..?" He finally says hesitently.

"Right, I never told you the plan. So I'm basically going to-" I get interrupted by the doorbell ringing. 

"Leo... I really have to go, nice talking to you, bye." I quickly hang up.

"Coming!!" My brother screams. I shoot up and run out of my room. I open my door to the sight of Miguel talking to Gracie. I gasp. It's only been an hour and Gracie decided to come... 10 hours early..?

"Hello, Miguel," Gracie holds out her hand for him to shake. He awkwardly shakes her hand. "Long time no see, hm? I missed you, you were like a little brother to me."

Miguel lets out a very sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, I missed you, too!! You were like a very annoying older sister to me!!" 

Gracie laughs as her eyes dart to me. "There she is!" She announces.

Miguel turns around. "Aubrey! Since we're all here, I have a wonderful idea!!" Me and Gracie look at eachother, worried. "Since Gracie is here, and you guys are apparently hooking up now, let's have dinner together. Just like we use to!" He puts on a fake smile.

"Oh, Miguel, none of us really can cook... and I don't think we have the ti-" Miguel interrupts me.

"I cook for the both of us almost every single night, Aubrey, I don't see why I can't tonight." 

Gracie shrugs. "I guess... we can? " Miguel turns around back to her and I mouth fuck you to Gracie. 

This should be great.

𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊! | Gracie Abrams GXGWhere stories live. Discover now