Chapter 2: Owls Hate on Percy

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Annabeth's POV(btw, this takes place a couple days after the World Cup, let's just pretend they went after, okay?)

This was definitely not how I wanted to spend my time off of college. Wizards? Possible war? Another big-bad? No thanks. I'd much rather spend my time with Percy and my friends, and design more things for Olympus, Camp Half Blood, and Camp Jupiter. But, of course, I had no say in it. So, there I was, being questioned by a family of gingers, one famous boy, and a very book-smart girl. How fun.

"Why did you transfer from Ilvermorny?" the book-smart one, Hermione, asked. I knew nobody else would speak up, so I did.

"Actually, we're not from Ilvermorny. We're from...Hecate's Academy for the Magically Gifted," I said, with just a bit of hesitation before I came up with a random name.

"Oh! I didn't know that school existed! Well, we have to get going to Diagon Alley, but do you mind if I ask you a few questions later?"

    I gave her what I hoped looked like a warm smile. I knew this meant my ADHD brain would just come up with a bunch of fake scenarios. "Of course, I'd love to."

    As we were walking to the fireplace(for some reason I didn't know at the time), I saw Leo had on his signature mischievous grin, along with the Weasley twins. Oh gods. I mean, at least the Stolls hadn't come, otherwise the five of them would cause more chaos than even Chaos could handle. Percy was talking to Harry Potter, and I'm pretty sure I heard Harry saying something about a giant squid at Hogwarts while Percy grinned. Seaweed Brain, I thought fondly. Piper and Hazel were talking with the only Weasley girl, Ginny, sounding like they were trying to give her relationship advice about Harry. I swear, that guy's even more oblivious than Percy, and that's saying something. Nico and Will were mainly keeping to themselves, occasionally speaking with Mrs. Weasley about Nico eating more and such. Nico did not seem to like that conversation.

    "Right!" Mrs. Weasley said. "So, we are going to Floo to Diagon Alley." I had no idea what "Floo" was, but I inferred that it was a type of magical transportation, probably by fireplace. And I was right.

After Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George went through, Mrs. Weasley passed the Floo powder to us. "Who wants to go first?"

    Obviously, Repair Boy went first. Leo easily stepped into the fire and dropped the powder, shouting "Diagon Alley!" And was gone. Needless to say, the rest of us were not reassured. But, I went next.

I copied everyone else's movements and got swirled into darkness.

~~~~~time skip to after everyone Floo-ed, courtesy of Kronos~~~~~~

We started with robes. Since all everyone else wanted to do was go to the nearby ice cream parlor and there was only room for one more in the fitting room, I went first.

When me and the shopkeeper, Madam Malkins, got there, I knew it was going to be hard to get along with the boy in there. He was very pale, like, anemic pale. With his blonde hair and gray eyes, he almost looked like an Athena kid, but he also seemed like a stuck up brat with his entitled I am above you in every aspect expression. Actually, he sort of looked like Octavian, and we all know how that ended up. But I shouldn't judge a book by his cover. Which was pretty hard to do in this case.

As I stepped onto the stool, he just noticed me, blushing as much as his pale skin would.

"Hey, I don't know you," he said, sounding like he was keeping his composure, which his sudden rapid breathing said otherwise.

Oh no, I thought, I swear, he'd better not like me. It was pretty clear on his flustered expression though.

"Yeah," I said, "you don't." A little rude? Maybe. But I was already tired of our nosy host family's questions.

"Uh, well, who are you?" He asked, a bit put off by my bluntness.

"An exchange student at Hogwarts."


One of Madam Malkins workers interrupted, making him get of the stool since she was done fitting him. Thank the gods, I really didn't feel like killing someone that day. At least, not with multiple witnesses.

After the kind lady was done fitting me, she sent me to go get my robes. We also had to get dress robes which, in the woman's section, were just regular dresses. Very creative, wizards.

~~~~~~time skip to pet shop, they got everything else on the list. btw, making Annabeth speak to owls, because~~~~~~~

Note to self: Owls really hate sons of Poseidon. They will swoop down on said son. They will scratch him up a bit. Some may even leave their...waste on him.

"Oh, come on!" Percy said after the owl ambush. I had to stifle my laughter, as they were also hooting some pretty crude insults, many of which were not PG. Once I told them in my mind to stop, they sucked up to me the way I'm sure pegasi suck up to Percy. I decided to take a snowy owl that hadn't bothered him as much, who said her name was Penelope, like Odysseus' clever wife.

Nico seemed to be bonding with a tiny black kitten, who was snuggled up on his shoulder. Meanwhile, Leo was having a staring contest with a small barn owl(the owl won) and Hazel was playing with a tabby cat. Percy didn't want any pets after, as he dubbed, "The Owl Assault of the Quest of Magic Sticks," and Will didn't want one because "Healing you guys is enough, I don't need a pet to take care of," but he totally loved Nico's black kitten. Piper just wanted to help me out with Penelope, and not have her own.

I feel that it's obvious, but Nico got that kitten and named her Bianca(which made pretty much all the demigods want to cry), Leo named the owl he was having a staring contest with Buford 2.0(the owl's name was already Buford, and Buford was offended by the 2.0), and Hazel named the tabby cat Marie(cue stifling crying from the rest of us).

After getting our pets, we went to the general store, which was named, I kid you not, 'Basic Items for Dimwits Who Don't Have Them'(A/N: Not sure if this is canon, but it's from the fic, Annabeth The Triwizard Champion, which is on my reading list. I actually took a lot of inspiration from that book, so thanks to the author!). I got a silver dagger(useful against werewolves, Reyna told me about her encounter) and the normal quills and ink(why wizards, why?), parchment(I seriously don't understand), and more school supplies like that.

    Then, at the insistence of pretty much all of us, we went to the Quidditch shop. Hecate mentioned that it was a sport played at Hogwarts and wouldn't be occurring this year(but of course kept it extremely vague. Thanks a lot, Hecate!), but I was still curious. I pretty much understood what it was by the time we left Diagon Alley, and explained it quietly to the other demigods. Me, Will, and Piper seemed interested in playing. Percy, Nico, and Hazel obviously didn't even want to try, but Leo just wanted more time for his "new project," which I'm 99% sure was a prank.

    After all that, Hermione thankfully forgot to question me, she was too distracted by Leo and the twin's pranks. I was watching the chaos, thinking of how we were going to finish this quest, and hoping I didn't have to interact with that mini Octavian anymore.

A/N: Again sorry about the last chapter, I may rewrite it after I'm done with this book. I'd also just like to randomly mention that, at first I was going to have Annabeth call Malfoy "entitled mini Octavian," and then I thought of the acronym, which is EMO. And now I can't stop calling Malfoy emo in my head. Anyways, Hecate provided wands for the demigods in their trunks, which she explained in notes. Next chapter is just gonna be that, so skip it if you don't want to read it. Thanks for reading, byee.

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