1:Assembly & Fanta

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     After sighing for the umpteenth time,i used my fork to graze the plate in front of me. The french toasts were soggy and the sausages were oily,i hated it when we were served food like this. I had pleaded with my parents to let me bring packed lunch just like many other students instead of eating the cafeteria's but they have refused. To top it all,my nagging grandmother accused me of being ungrateful and over pampered,that woman just makes a living by pointing fingers.

     I vividly remember the day she packed all her belongings and came to stay a few months after my grandfather passed away,i locked myself in the room and cried that day,i can't stand goggo,i was bound to do something horrible.

   "Isn't it surprising how we are now seniors" Shams,one of my bestfriends said pointing towards the junior's side of the cafeteria. I pushed my plate away and smiled "it feels just like yesterday when we were wearing straight skirts"

  Remy looked up from her food "and soon,we will be blue and white blazer wearers" she squeled and dropped her white headphones. Music was Remy's signature,she is aspirising to be a famous musician in the future and her dream isn't far fetched,she has a voice to die for and she lets everyone know.

     "I really can't wait,just a few more years" Shams,short form of Shamsiyya squeled too. Shams is the heart of our trio,she had a big heart and a bigger brain,she is the real definition of beauty with brains. We all couldn't wait for senior year AKA final year AKA ss3 year,it was the year you finally graduated and moved on from secondary school and the school allowed you to do alot of things to make memories.

    Every past student of Dove International school spoke about their final year including the current school authorities. Even if you din't enjoy your past five years in D.I.S,your final year will always stand out.

   "I particularly can't wait for the final prank" i uncapped my fanta and inserted a straw,the final prank is pulled by the ss3 students a day after they finish their WAEC before saying bye bye to D.I.S

   "My brother graduated 2018 and their final prank is all he can talk about" Shams said

  "2018,the set with the best final prank so far, they are truly legends" i added
While taking a sip of my fanta
   "Also the year with the most handsome headboy" Remy twirled her hair with her fingers. We did not meet the set of 2018 but we have heard alot about the D.I.S legends.

   "Unlike this year's" i scoffed with a chuckle,shams smacked my arm "our current head boy is not ugly,what do you even have against him?"

   I rolled my eyes "But he is not good looking,and besided everyone literally worships the ground he walks on. The moment he says jump,everyone jumps!!!" I pointed out.

  "That is because he respect himself, the teachers,the authorities and even his juniours" Shams defended him

  "Speaking of headboy,he is approaching at the moment" Remy cut short our battle. We both whisked our head to the direction of the door and noticed the boy in question,all high and mighty in his plain white blazer walking to the front of the cafeteria.

  The noisy hall went silent as we watched him make his way to the front probably to make an announcement,i rolled my eyes in disgust at how everyone wanted to be in their best behaviour,my lips suddenly curled into a smirk as an evil plan made its way to my head.

  The headboy reached the front of the cafeteria and stared at everyone "Good day students"

  "Good day" they replied

"Please make....."  

And then the sound of a plastic bottle hitting the floor and rolling off.

  Every single person sitted in the hall gasped while a triumphant smile graced my lips.

  "Are you mad!!!???" Shams cursed

I am mad,mad with victory. I just threw a bottle of fanta at the head boy and stained his white blazer intentionally.

   "Ooops! My hand slipped" i smiled at the pair of eyes gazing at me. He nodded and went back to addressing the crowd
"Please proceed to the assembly hall after break,an announcement will be passed" and then he walked out without sparing me a single glance.

  Ayra 1
Marwan 0

   "The female prefects are so going to have your head" Shams whispered. The automotic bell sounded and we all filed out into the assembly hall and proceeded to form lines according to oir classes.

  "What do you think the impromptu assembly is about?" I turned to Shams but before she could answer,a girl in our class hooked her arm around hers and dragged her. Shams is quite popular  among our peers and was everyone's friend. Everyone liked her including the teachers, i am sure she will be the white blazer wearing headgirl of our set. Although i can't help but feel jealous sometimes,i also want to have a lot of friends and people who look up to me but everyone sees me as the rude ass girl in my class. Any time i tried talking to others or even offering a helping hand,insults were usually thrown at me so i stopped trying at all.

  Remy on the other hand,dint give two middle fingers. She is an introvert with a sharp tongue and often stirred clear of everyone's way but if you cross her way,you will get it.

   "Form your lines and keep quite,the assmebly is about to commence" Senior Ola announced and waited for everyone to do as he said before going down and giving way for the principal and his two female vice.

   "God day students" Mr Bello,the school principal greeted

  "Good day" we all murmured a reply

    "It has come to our notice that some of you students are going around and spreading rumours that Malam Habu,the school gardener was murdered" he started "despite taking out of our time and explaining everything to you,some of you are still carrying stupid stories around. Parents have been calling us to confirm about things we don't even understand" he raised his voice to signify his anger

    "The prefects even called for assembly just a few days ago to warn you all but you have refused to listen.  For that,we have decided to hand over any student caught spreading rumours to the police so that you can help them investigate and i promise you,you will serve serious sanctions"

   "Let me catch any student,any" Mr Bello banged the lectern in anger "any student,you will tell me wether you were the one that killed him. Some of you don't have job only to be disrupting peace and causing chaos, be carrying false storied up and down" he paused "let me catch you! Just let anyone catch you!" He kept on banging the lectern to prove a point.

   "Better go to class and focus on your studies" he finished "assembly dismissed"

    Immediately the principal and his two vice exited the hall,the once silent hall became noisy and filled with chatters. "Mr Bello is giving sus" i commented

   "Well Rumours equal scared parents equal less students equal less money equal less success rate. He is protecting his image" Remy shrugged

   "But do you think Malam Habu was....murdered" i whispered

   "Impossible" Remy laughed

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