The past

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The autumn air carried the promise of change as the new school year dawned. For me, it marked the beginning of the end-senior year, the final stretch of high school adventures. Yet, in another corner of our town, it was the dawn of something entirely different for Lando, a freshman ready to embrace the unknown.

In the mirror's reflection, I studied my room's chaos, a whirlwind of textbooks and college pamphlets hinting at the future looming ahead. Among the clutter, a framed picture captured a younger version of Max and me, laughter etched in our smiles-a testament to the years of friendship that had weathered the tests of time.

Our lives had been intertwined since we were barely able to walk. Max had been my steadfast companion, a constant in a world of uncertainties. Our bond had grown and evolved, surviving the complexities of teenage years, silently tethering us together.

Then there was Lando. He entered our lives like a gentle breeze, a year ago when his family relocated here. His presence introduced a new perspective, a fresh face among familiar surroundings.

As the children of colleagues, our paths crossed naturally, paving the way for shared playdates and car rides to school. Lando was the oldest of his siblings, guiding his sister, Kate, and his mischievous brother, Carlos, through the trials and triumphs of childhood. Our afternoons were a symphony of laughter, building forts and sharing secrets.

The past year had added a new layer to my life. Lando's arrival brought both curiosity and a hint of mystery. Despite knowing him for a shorter time compared to Max, there was something intriguing about him-a new chapter in a book already filled with familiar pages.

High school was a tapestry woven with connections-some stretching back to childhood, others as recent as last year. Our intertwined stories were in motion, bound by friendships, unspoken feelings, and the uncharted territories of youth.

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