The last first day

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The halls buzzed with the excited hum of students reconnecting after the break. It was my final first day, a bittersweet realization that lingered as I made my way through the crowded corridors. Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I scanned the familiar faces, eager to catch up with friends.

"Hey, Lily! Over here!" Kylie's voice cut through the crowd, her golden hair shining like a beacon. Davina and Amelia joined her, their distinct personalities adding to the eclectic mix of our friendship circle.

"Guys, you won't believe the waves at the beach house this year!" I exclaimed, my voice brimming with enthusiasm. "We caught some insane ones, and Dad even tried surfing!"

Kylie giggled, twirling a strand of her hair. "Sounds like a blast! Did you meet any cute guys?"

Amelia chuckled, shaking her head. "Knowing Lily, she was probably too busy outrunning the waves to notice any boys."

Davina, quieter but always observant, listened intently before chiming in. "I bet the sunsets were amazing. Did you get any painting inspiration, Lily?"

I nodded, smiling at Davina. "Absolutely! The colors were breathtaking. I've got a few ideas brewing."

As our conversation flowed, Max passed by, exchanging a shy yet warm smile with me. My heart skipped a beat before I returned the smile, a silent acknowledgment of our unspoken connection.

"Helloooo, Lily, you there?" Kylie looked at me with a slight chuckle. I quickly snapped out of it not to draw any suspicion, but it was too late. "Looking at Max, I see," Kylie smirked at me, giving me this devious smile. "What, no...I was just checking...." I was trying so hard to find an excuse, but Amelia cut me off. "Hey, there is nothing wrong with looking, we know you had a crush on him since middle school," she laughed. "Shhh, Amelia, not so loud. Do you want the whole school to know?" I tried to shush her.

"The whole school already knows the type of chemistry you two have. It's not a secret." Davina chimed in. "You know, I've got better things to do than talk about my love life, like getting the freshmen settled in." I walked away, trying to avoid this topic. "Ohhh, now he's a part of your love life." Kylie and the rest followed. Just as I was about to answer, I bumped into someone, causing me to fall. I quickly looked up to see who caused it, but my gaze softened as I stared into the eyes of none other than Lando.

The girls stood behind me giggling as Lando stretched out a hand for me to take. I stared at him for a moment before snapping out of it and accepting his gesture. "I'm so sorry, Lily, are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up. "Yup, I'm totally fine. It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," I replied while trying to wipe the dust off my clothes.

"Well, let me make it up to you, as it's our school tradition. Let me take your school bag and walk you to your first class." He sincerely smiled. "No, it's really not necessary. I don't believe in school traditions anyways..." I said, glaring at the girls for laughing. "I insist," he cut me off and took my bag before I could object.

I just smiled and went along with it. I had AP math first; oh, how to start a day! That's what you'd expect me to think, but I actually love math and am always up for a challenge. Lando handed me my bag in front of the classroom. "I'll see you around," he smirked and went his separate way. I just rolled my eyes at his remark as I walked to my table. My eyes searched for Max's, but when I met his, he didn't quite look like himself.

I walked over to him since we sat next to each other. "So, what got you in a rump?" I asked jokingly. "Who is that guy?" Max asked, brows furrowed. "Ohhh, that's just Lando, one of the freshmen. You know, the tradition," I explained. "I thought one of the girls would've done it, you know, like we get the freshmen boys and y'all get the freshmen girls."

Before I could reply, our teacher arrived. "Hi, seniors. I hope you had a nice break over the summer. Let's get started on some algebra," he said, opening a textbook for us to start. I just whispered to Max, "We need to focus." He rolled his eyes and diverted his gaze to the board.

"Okay, everyone, let the traditions begin. It works like this: every freshman can pick a senior. And for the next two weeks, you do everything we say, including carrying our bags, making out with a tree, bringing along an egg as a baby, etc." I announced to all of the freshmen as a part of the school council. "These activities will only happen during recess, so have fun; this is just our way of welcoming all of you into high school. Now, please choose your senior." I finished and walked to stand with the rest of my classmates.

The school now bustled with freshmen trying to decide whom to pick. I was excited; I could imagine all the fun we were going to have, a great way to start the year. "Hey, Lily," I turned around to reveal a familiar face. "Hey, Lando, picked anyone yet?" I smiled at him.
"Yes actually I have" he smiled back at me. "Ohh, who is it. Is it JJ? I mean he is my best friend but he can be..." I got of by Lando's words. "Actually it's you" he said waiting for reaction.

"Lando, I don't know about that" I replied in shocked. Didn't see this one coming. "Why not? It only makes sense. We are friends and we could have so much fun" he tried his best to reassure me. "Lando, perhaps it better if you..." Before I can finish my sentence, Lando puts a hand gently on my shoulder, grabbing my attention. "I don't want anybody else. Please" he pleaded not removing his eyes from mine. His beautiful emerald green eyes. "Okay, fine you win but tell I didn't warn you" his whole face lit up as those word escape my lips.

"You won't regret, now let's go. Class will start any second now." He said gently removing the bag from my shoulders and slinging the bag over his shoulders. "Are you coming" he asked as he is on his way to my first class. Snapping me out of this trance. "Yes, just hold up" I said finally moving running up to his side.

Hey guys chapter two is complete.
What did yall think about it?
Any suggestions please comment them. Next chapter will be out soon.
Untill next time xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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