The plan

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10 days has been passed and jimin is getting closed to his mission but little did he don't know that someone also going close to his real identity they are jk,Rm,jhope and suga but they don't know about danger on jimin

Jimin was in his office that's is when someone came
Employee= sir suga sir was calling u
Jimin= okay
Employee left jimin in mind
Now what that old grumpy cat want I am just fed up of his tectics
Jimin enter in suga's cabin
Jimin= yes Mr Min
Suga= oh Mr Kim I want to ask u something
Jimin= yeah
Suga= I can't find a client file which meetings will happened today can u help
Jimin= but sir i
Suga= please
Jimin= okay fine
Jimin was finding field but suga was looking at him that is when someone called jimin,he checked his caller id and frowned suga notice it
Suga= what happened
Jimin= nothing,can I attend this call
Suga= yes
Jimin left from cabin
Jimin=what happened chan
Chan= uncle taemin is planning something against u
Jimin= oh let it be
Chan= how can u be so chill if it's serious
Jimin= don't worry I will u all should not involve in this and cat's birthday is coming what u all are planning
Chan= let's discuss together
Jimin= now I am hanging
Chan= okay,come home at evening all of u and u will stay till his birthday
Jimin= okay fine now cut the crap
Call ended
Jimin enter in cabin only to get pinned by suga
Jimin= now what did I do
Suga = nothing I just want to have fun
Jimin= what do u mean
Suga= let's drink and rest
Jimin= no
Suga = come on
Suga dragged jimin hs theater he played movie which is bl and give drink to jimin,which he gulped in one go that's why he is tipsy
They were watching bl drama and jimin was drunk suga was in his sence that is when kiss seen came suga looked at jimin who is already looking at him due to drunk state they leaned  to kiss other and finally kissed jimin was going to pull away because get his sense back but suga pushed him towards sofa and start kissing him jimin pushed him but he again started kissing

After sometime he come towards his neck this time jimin pushed him very hard that he fall from sofa and groaned
Jimin= what hell ur problem Mr Min I am fucking ma torried I had a kid i am not ur jimin can't u understand this simple think
Suga stand up looked at jimin his face was blank
Jimin= listen Mr suga I don't care who ever ur but if u again try to come near me i will not leave u
Saying this he  leave from cabin he was cursing himself that why he lost his control ,why he melt in his kiss which showing so much love ,he can't do this atleast not before taking his revenge, it's not time for love otherside suga was fuming in anger he started throwing his thinks to control his anger which was not going away he punched on wall making a big hole he left from his office to the bar
With jimin
He was going outside that's is when he got bumped he was going to fall that's when someone grab him from his so he can't fall ,but someone see it
Jay= be careful babe

imin= not u Jay
Jay= what happened
Jimin= suga try to forcely kiss me
Jay= what the hell how he kiss my wife
??= Really
Jay= I was just kidding
Jimin smirked
Jimin= who is he baby
Jay= jimin I told u about
Jungwoo= jimin Hyung where were u
Jay= u two know each other
Jungwoo= yes idiot u tops are such an idiot u can't understand single things
Jay= what do u mean
Jimin= after u he know about me everything ,he provides me information about taemin
He is my Hacker
Jay= why didn't u told me
Jimin= u never asked
Jay= what the HELL
Jungwoo= shut up ,hyung he will do something on sir's birthday
Jimin= are u sure
Jungwoo= yeah
Jimin= okay u can go i will see
Jungwoo= sir I think u should take help of suga sir
Jimin= i don't want he get hurt for me
Jungwoo =but
Jimin= i said and this is final
Jay= why are u so stturborn
Jimin= shut up I am going home
Jay= okay
Jungwoo= I am also going
Jimin left jungwoo was also going to left but Jay pulled him towards himself
Jungwoo= what
Jay= let's go in my cabin
Jungwoo= no
Jay = yes
Jay dragged him towards office after that it's ur imagination
With suga
I was going outside of office that's when I saw jimin slip but someone catch him my heart hurts seeing him in someone other arm's I leave from their immediately
At Min mansion 2 am
Everyone was sleeping accept jin he was waiting for suga because suga never come late or if he can't then he always would inform him or hoon but today he doesn't which make him worried so he was awake after making namjin and namjoon sleep he was lost in his taught which got break when he heard knock on door that's when tae also came with iu downstairs
Jin= do u two need anything
IU= no Hyung we were talking at common room and loss are time
Tae= we come here for drink
Jin= oh
That's is when they heard knocking sound again,Jin goes opened the door only to get shocked
Jin= suga did u drink
Suga= yes Hyung I am sorry
Tae= hyung let's first take him in living room
IU= yeah
By the help of tae and iu jin take suga to leaving room and make him sit on sofa
Tae= why did u drink hyung
Suga= tae u know what it's hurts whenever I see him with Jay I know he is my jiminie but he is denying it ,why can't he understand i love him ,if he had any problems he should tell me but he is ignoring me tae ,I love him Hyung,iu he is ur friend please make him convince to be with me ,tae ur his soulmate please, Hyung he will listen u please make him agree I love him Hyung I will die without him
He hugged jin and started crying everyone present their have tears in his eyes
Tae= Hyung i promise u ur jimin will be urs at ur birthday
IU= tae
Tae= leave it he will not remember tommoro
Jin= tae but jimin
Tae= can't u see how much he love that stupid
IU= listen tae first let's make Hyung sleep then we will discuss about it with him
Tae= okay
Jin= let me and iu take him u go have a rest
Tae= okay, good night Hyung and iu
Jin= good night
Tae left,jin ,iu take suga to his room make him sleep

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