A Twist of Fate

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The priest had looked around; at first before he noticed he was inside the playground again. It struck him as odd that he had been in the playground considering that the playground had been so far back. But then he noticed the area shifting and he had now been inside a cave. The cave was full of mist yet it had been dry. Usually mist would be full of moisture and would feel good if you were hot, but this felt like a sandstorm without the sand.

He continued to look around and at first he couldn't point out anything that was around him but after his eyes adjusted a little bit he was able to get a little bit more of his surroundings even though the images were blurry. He started walking around. After a few feet he had ducked as a bat came down from the ceiling and attacked him.

There was one thing he wanted to do which was find the girl and save her. He had too get out of this stupid cave and get the girl out of here. The only problem was once he started moving around the area he noticed that his vision started getting worse as the mist started to get thicker. The area also felt like it was getting hotter. He felt like his skin was boiling from the heat.

"Looks like you are lost," came a voice from the mist.

"Who's there?"asked the priest as he started to look around.

"You chase me over and over again yet you don't know who I am. That is a shame," said the voice.

Watching, the priest noticed the mist coming together to form an older man with a cane. The man had long white hair yet his beard and mustache was just enough to cover his face. Even the heat was gone.

"Sloth," said the priest looking at the older man.

"It is about time we meet," said sloth as he looked at the priest.

The priest had moved his hands into a fist.

"Before you come and attack me I will tell you something. You will lose if you come and attack me head on. You know it as well as I do. There is one thing though, you were sent to attack me as well as the other six but you don't know why."

"I was told you had escaped hell and came to the earth. Hell wants you back because you don't belong on earth."

"I am in purgatory. I am not even on earth."

"Why are you in purgatory?"

"Because I have strayed away from my brothers and sisters. I told them that I wanted to go home. The human realm does not need us. I find no joy in killing innocent people. Yes I have killed many of my kind and many angels but it is because they had come after me and were attacking without letting me answer to my deed. I am asking you before you die a pointless death, let me take my time and go back on my own time."

"You have still killed humans and forced them to do your bidding."

"I have made mistakes, yes. That does not mean that I deserve to die. If a person makes a mistake and knows they made that mistake it means they are ready to live with the consequences of their actions."

"I cannot let you go."

"Then you will fight me."

"No I will destroy you," said the priest.

"Let me guess, they promised you redemption for destroying us."

"And if they did?"

"Can you honestly take their word? You have committed something that heaven does not agree with. It is against the heavens to accept you, yet somehow they have changed and promised that you will be accepted with open arms in the light. I don't think so. That is not heaven's way," said sloth.

The Demon Chronicles part 1Where stories live. Discover now