The Realm of Death

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The priest fell through the water and landed in a graveyard. Arms started to shoot up through the ground. He felt them grab his legs and start to pull him down into the ground. With haste he had found himself inside a coffin buried alive. The coffin had started to get smaller and smaller until the priest couldn't move an inch. Water had started to fill the coffin, the priest felt the water start to cover him. The water had reached his mouth, he kept spitting the water out of his mouth but it had started to come in too fast. He was too busy drowning to wonder why he could still drown if he was already dead.

As soon as the coffin was completely filled, it had vanished before his eyes. He was now sitting in the middle of a church with different priests all around him.

"You are an embarrassment,"said one voice.

"You have committed something you swore loyalty to us about never doing," said another.

They had started laughing.

"You will never be forgiven," said one more.

"The look on your face when everyone found out," said a fourth voice.

"You will always be remembered as the one who broke off and committed treason in our eyes," said the second voice.

"Better yet why doesn't he just be forgotten. A world where no one talks to him or even acknowledges him it could be torture to some," said the first one.

"Because he has never been one to get attached," said a fifth voice.

"That's true, he could care less if no one talked to him. Maybe we should force the images of his crimes in his head. There are so many crimes he committed one of them had to have been worse then the others. He had to have known what he was doing," said the third voice.

They had started to laugh once more.

"You are a traitor," said the first voice.

"You are a sinner," said the second one.

"You are an embarrassment," said a third voice

"You should be ashamed of yourself," said the fourth voice.

"You will never be forgiven," said the fifth voice.

"You will always belong in hell," said the first voice.

"You have died twice now and both times you haven't even seen a glimpse of heaven," said the second voice.

"The grim reaper doesn't forgive people," said the third voice.

"You escaped once, you will not escape a second time," said the fourth voice.

The fifth priest had turned into the grim reaper. "You will not escape me again. You got lucky with the deal that you were given this time you will not escape."

The church had started to turn into liquid. The area started to become like golden water and surrounded the priest who had once again felt himself start to drown. The water vanished and the priest was in front of a Classroom. There were about twelve students behind desks. The priest had a bible in front of him.

"Excuse me," said one kid in the front. "How can I really take lessons from a man who goes against his own teachings?"

"You are a hypocrite," said another student.

After a little while they had all started to criticize the priest. He had taken the insults but he started to feel the embarrassment. He had made a mistake and the people he had walked beside had been hurt more than he could have imagined. In all honesty he couldn't even consider it a mistake, he knew what he was doing, he just didn't care. He had looked down at the bible in front of him.

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