Mallory's Birthday

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Hi! I didn't want to end my work on something sad so I decided to write about some things that happened during the "last year alive" of Severus.
I'll still write in Mallory's point of view because I like the way it shows that she's mature but still struggles with her emotions sometimes.

 I'll still write in Mallory's point of view because I like the way it shows that she's mature but still struggles with her emotions sometimes

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Today is my birthday. Nothing particularly interesting, you'll say. And you're right. But I personally like to make this day special, after all, once every 365 days is a rare occasion.

So let's make this day special.

It's saturday, which means I can take my time and do whatever I want, since there's no class.
Anyways, the first step to make this day feel great is to wear an elegant dress, and a bit of fancy makeup. I put on a black dress with a leather corset, and apply some glitter on my eyes. It feels nice. I do feel pretty like this.
Then, I go to the kitchen to bake some chocolate cookies. I definitely deserve them after a restless night of grading essays.
After an an hour, my chocolate cookies are finally ready, and I eat them. Delicious, I should bake more often!
I take my time to eat, looking at the window. It's sunny outside, and the hot breeze makes the trees wave like elegant swimming mermaids. It's definitely going to be a nice day.
Then, I clean the kitchen while thinking of something else to do. Taking a walk in the forest seemed to be a nice idea, so I put my shoes on and get out of my room after I cleaned my mess.
Outside, the wind brushes my hair and the sun warms my skin. I walk, a bit lost in my thoughts and in the blissful feeling of nature being in the same good mood than I am, so I don't pay attention to the path I'm taking. But as I come back to reality, I see an iron gate and understand that my steps have brought me to the graveyard. Muscle memory, I chuckle.
Well, spending my birthday afternoon at the cemetery doesn't bother me. In fact, I don't have specific people to spend my birthday with : Minerva and Albus are old and they certainly have better shit to do, Severus doesn't really like birthdays, and I don't really know the other teachers, so I guess Lilly can be a good company.
I enter the graveyard, and go directly to her grave.

"Morning Lilly. Well, I don't even know if I can use your first name, but you're not here to tell me anyways. I'm not bringing flowers today, because it's my birthday, and it's not tuesday."

I sigh. Spending my birthday with a stone isn't as entertaining as I thought, and soon, my mind gets darker and darker. After a moment, I get out of my dreadful mind and speak again:

"My life is boring. I'm sure you don't know how it feels, you had a lot of friends and a happy family. Voldemort should have killed me instead of you, nobody would've been sad for me."

I take a deep breath to prevent tears from falling on my cheeks. Wow. My mood really did change quickly. I can't say I'm happy in my life, even though I try to be. But feeling lonely really hurts. I try my best, but Severus is in fact the person I see the most, and I only see him on tuesdays. I definitely am lonely. This time, I can't stop my tears.

"Shit. Sorry for the tears Lilly. See? Should have been me under that stone" I quietly sob.
The iron gate suddenly creaks open. I don't turn to see. I don't want people to pity me.

"Mallory?" A voice asks. That voice. That usually cold voice. Is now filled with worry.
His question is met with silence. He hurries to me.

"Mallory? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I sob.

"I very much doubt that."

"Severus, it's nothing" I try to convince him, but my voice is too shaky.
He lifts my chin. His hand feels nice. I like his touch, but I know it's not for long, so it makes me cry again.

"Who ruined your birthday?" His tone has turned cold again, but his anger isn't directed to me.

"You remembered?"

"Yes. Now answer me."

"Myself" I chuckle between my sobs. "It was supposed to be a nice day."
He frowns, genuinely concerned, and shyly, he puts his arms around me.
He is hugging me. It's so nice to feel warm in someone's arms that it makes me stop crying.

"Thank you..." I say awkwardly.
Sensing that I feel better, he releases me. His cold eyes meet mine and he speaks :

"Don't say that you should die again."
I look away, ashamed. He heard me talk to Lilly... Shit. He grabs my chin and turns my head to face him, waiting for an answer.

"Fine. But only if you stop cutting yourself."
He sighs.

"We'll try our best, will we?"

"Well, that's a nice birthday present" I chuckle.

Little did I know that Severus had another birthday present for me...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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