Chapter Eleven - Welcome Home

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I felt Ryan’s arm wrap around me tightly, pulling me closer into his body. The tension was unreal. From the intense bliss I was previously feeling only moments before the call, I didn’t know what I felt now, but I knew it was far from happiness. I rested my head against his chest, not really having a clue how to react to the other gang finding out. How bad could it get? Would it even get bad? So what if I was Ryan’s girlfriend? What was the big deal? Oh yeah. They could use me to get at him, or something like that. I groaned.

‘It’s going to be fine, Laura,’ Ryan sighed, his head on my head. ‘I’ll sort it all out.’

‘You’ve not to do anything to Trav,’ I reminded him sternly, although I sincerely wished I could get my revenge on him. That meant hurting Sinead, though, so I couldn’t.

‘I’ll try my best not to do anything to him,’ Ryan nearly growled. ‘It’s going to be hard, though, since he deserves it. The stupid little c-’

I grimaced. ‘Please, don’t do anything … You’ve not to sink down to that level. You’re better than that, okay?’ I placed my hand on his firm chest. ‘At least if you guys are going to do anything, don’t let it be your decision. I’ll only hate you for it, and I don’t want that.’

‘You should already hate me, Laura,’ he laughed.

‘I know,’ I agreed, pursing my lips. ‘I’m never ever going to hate you, though. Unless you do something really horrible … like landing Travis in hospital, or something …’

‘Guess what?’

‘What?’ I said, frowning.

‘I want to kiss you,’ he grinned, leaning closer down to my face. I didn’t even bother to pull away from him, his kiss now becoming my own type of drug. His love was my drug. All I needed in life was him. How had I lived so long without him? No wonder I used to be miserable.

‘I think I have to bring you home now, Laura,’ Ryan chuckled, running a hand through his hair. Did he like messing it up? That was cute.

I sat up, pouting. ‘Why do I have to go home?’

‘I want to talk about this … situation with Kyle. I think he knows a bit more about this. I want to bring over more of my friends, too. They’ll be able to help with this. Don’t worry, Laura, we’re going to sort this all out. Everything will be fine. You don’t even need to think about it.’

‘Why can’t I be around while you’re with your friends?’ I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows. ‘Ryan, please, just let me stay until … nine o’clock. Sinead won’t mind at all. She knows we won’t get up to anything –’

Ryan chuckled. ‘You need to spend some time with your sister, Laura. I think it’s best if you don’t meet my friends just yet, anyways. I mean, they’re like a thousand times worse than Kyle.’

‘Kyle isn’t so bad.’

‘No, he just breaks out into a fight in front of you –’

‘That wasn’t his fault, so you needn’t blame him for it!’

Ryan raised his hands defensively. ‘Okay, boss, but you’re going home whether you like it or not. I’ll force you out if I have to. Believe me, I will. I can do anything with my amazing gangster powers,’ he joked.

I laughed too, but then studied his face for a moment. Would he really force me to get out of his house? He did have a gun. Was that one of his “amazing gangster powers”. Without hesitation, I hopped off the table. The fact that he had a gun was going to haunt me for a long while. It was a pity that he had to be honest about that.

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