30. A Scarlet Hue

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He got into his car and Bill noticed his sour mood.

"Are you okay Boss?"

"When it's just the two of us, Bill, how many times do I have to remind you not to call me that?"

"Sorry boss...I mean, Rayvonn."

Rayvonn gazed out of the window when Bill said.

"Miss Perez has left behind her shopping bags."

"That clumsy girl"

His lips slightly twitched as he remarked about her while shaking his face.

"Do you want me to send it to her house?"

"That won't be necessary, Bill. I will take care of it."



Sounds of cheers followed by claps could be heard reverberating throughout the air when Tania's team won the match.

"Chan, We Won!"

She raised her arms and tightly encircled Tania's perspiring figure as Tania lunged toward her.

"Aww, my sweetie, I knew you would. I am so proud of you and congratulations to all of you."

"Thank you, I thought you were not coming."

"Without a doubt, I wouldn't have missed it."

As Chantal and Sandra chatted with the team, Kevin approached them.

"Congrats girls, the game was good."

They nodded thanking him. Some girls even blushed, smiling and lowering their faces but his eyes were fixed on a certain someone that Sandra didn't fail to notice.

"Okay you guys, congrats once again on winning the game. I'll see you all on Monday and Tan, I think you are going to celebrate your victory with the rest of the team now so I'll see you at home."

Chantal ignored Kevin totally as she spoke while waving at the girls and giving a hug to Sandra.

"I'll call you."

"Sure bye"

With hurried steps, she walked away from there. She wanted to avoid the man who assumed her character out of nowhere.


Kevin called from behind trying to match her steps.

"Sweetheart, listen to me."

Yet, she continued walking, paying him no attention.

At the moment, all she wanted was to go home and rest because she had zero energy to deal with anyone.

"Chantal ple—"

He grabbed her hand but she jerked away from his hold.

"If you want drama, I can give you drama, Kevin, for I don't care even if I get fired from this place but the thing is, I don't want to even see your face right now. Do you get me?"

"Sweetheart let me—"

"Don't call me that!"

She looked around and thankfully they weren't noticed yet. She heard him sigh.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that,"

"Kevin, I'm tired, okay, please give me some space."

"Are you okay, I can drop you off at your place."

"My cab is here."

She turned around to leave when he said.

"Fine but stay away from that man. He is not a good person."

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