Chapter 1: A Snake in Wolf's Clothing

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My head pounds as I come to. Heavy chains bite my wrists in a pitch-black prison cell. I'm not in New York anymore. I have no idea where I am. I thrash against my shackles. "Don't struggle." A low, unplaceable voice rolls out of the darkness like thunder before a storm. If only I knew how real that storm would soon become. A clash of kings...with me at its center.

~One day earlier~

WHAM! The wind leaves my body as I'm slammed up against a brick wall by three sweaty creeps. "Where is it, you little bitch? I know you have it." one of them shouts. "I already told you. I didn't take your stash." The lowlife snarls, lifting me higher up the wall. "Maybe we'll do a strip search. Just to be safe." I slam my knee into the man's gut and he drops me. The other two lunge, but I serve them each a clean kick to the face. "Agh! How did you--?!" , "Sorry boys, I only teach self defense on Tuesdays. But I'll take this as a down payment." I wink and brandish their stolen stash: several vials of deadly wolfsbane. "GET HER!" The men give chase and I take off down the block. I skid into a manhole only big enough for me. With a cocksure grin, I land deftly in an abandoned subway tunnel. But one of my pursuers shifts, lunging at me with lycan claws. "DOWN." My father's booming Alpha command shakes the tunnel. The wolf slams into the concrete against his will, yelping in pain. "(Y/N). What did I tell you about doing jobs alone?" , "Dad, I had it handled." I tell him sternly. "Handled? Don't make me laugh. You can't even shift yet." I open my mouth to argue but he cuts me off by holding out his hand. I give him the stolen stash. "I just want to keep you in one piece. You're my--" , "Your only daughter. I know." He smirks and ruffles my hair, forcing a smile to my lips. "Go home. I'll come find you when I'm down with this." On a heavy sigh, I walk away. But as soon as I round the corner, I pull something from my pocket: One remaining vial of wolfsbane. 

"Sorry, Dad. But I need to save up and get out of your black market operation. I can't stand being caged up like--" Suddenly, a heavy sack is shoved over my head, blinding and suffocating me. I claw at it, kicking and screaming, but it's no use. Something hard SLAMS against the back of my skull...and I pass out. In the swirling haze of my unconsciousness, a woman's voice trickles in. Somehow, it feels familiar... "...(Y/N)..." When I finally open my eyes, I'm in a dark, damp prison cell...and thick iron manacles chain me to the wall. "No. This can't be happening." I thrash against my bonds, trying to rip the very chains from the stone. "Don't struggle." I freeze at the stern command that rolls out of the darkness on a smooth, low Korean accent. "Yeah, right. You think I'm going to cooperate? Make this easy for you?" I tear at my chains again. But only for a fraction of a second. With lightning speed, a storm of a man lunges from the shadows, halting me with a fierce grip on my wrist. "I told you. Don't struggle." He pulls my arm closer, his sharp eyes as silver as the moonlight that illuminates his virile body.

" He pulls my arm closer, his sharp eyes as silver as the moonlight that illuminates his virile body

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"I don't take orders from you." I glare. "No, you don't. But you do want to fight your way out of here." It's only then that he slowly, almost softly, thumbs away a trickle of blood from my wrist. "You'll have an easier time at that if your wrists aren't broken." I turn and look up at him then. At the cryptic mark burned into his the steadiness of his metallic stare... A power pulses through him. It's like a churning sea, stronger and deeper than anything you've encountered before. "Who are you?" I ask. "That isn't important right now." , "Says the man who isn't chained to the wall." I reply sarcastically. "I didn't do this to you, (Y/N)." , "If you know my name, you sure as hell better tell me yours." His eyes flash at my stubbornness, deep and penetrating. After a long moment, he answers. "...It's San." He rises, his body casting a towering shadow over me as he looks toward the door. "We don't have much time. If you value your life, you'll cooperate from here on. Be smart about what you demand." , "I will cooperate when I'm treated with dignity." I rip at my chains once more, ignoring the stinging pain. "STOP." His words reverberate in my core as his eyes flare silver once again, giving me an Alpha's command. "Please. If you just get these cuffs off me and look the other way, I'll slip out unseen. No harm, no foul." I hold my shackled wrists out to San. The silver in his eyes dims, replaced by shock. "How are you...? You shouldn't be able to move. I gave you an--" , "An Alpha's command that should paralyze me? Nice try, but those have never worked on me."

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