Ch 17

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(~I'm so sorry about how long it took me to get this chapter out! I've been so busy starting a new job and transferring schools!~)

Regulus couldn't get Daphne out of his head. He had a crush on the girl since his second year and although she wasn't exactly what mother would have pictured for him, she was perfect in his eyes. She was kind, respectable, intelligent, talented. Her voice was soft but commanded respect and the fact that she was absolutely breathtaking left him enchanted anytime she so much as breathed in his direction. What really sold his mother on the girl was the fact that she was a pureblood though and as much as he didn't care for his mother, he had to admit he was relieved to have some form of approval from her. 

The biggest issue his mother had was her being a Gryffindor and by default causing her to mingle with blood traitors. It didn't bother Regulus, although he had to admit, he was hurt that the girl preferred his brother. All he could think about were ways to win over the girl's heart as he watched her laugh with her friends at dinner across the great hall. 

"Oi, Reg!" Evan snapped his fingers in front of Regulus's face removing him from his thoughts. the boy hummed in response as he looked over as an amused looking Evan Rosier. the blonde boy chuckled as he looked between Regulus and the red head. "You are so whipped."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Regulus said as he looked down at his plate picking at his chicken. 

"Yea sure as if you weren't just drooling over Bardot." Evan said amused.

"Leave him alone he's in love. I think it's sweet." Pandora said as she sent a warm smile to regulus. Regulus blushed at the girls' words trying to bite back a smile. 

"Being a stalker is sweet now?" Barty scoffed as he eyed the red head across the room. Pandora rolled her eyes.

"He wasn't stalking he was admiring. Not like any of you would know what it means to appreciate a woman." Pandora defended. "Don't worry Reg, they're just jealous that they'll die alone." 

"AS IF!" Evan and Barty shouted in unison causing many pairs of eyes to turn to the four of them. Regulus buried his face in his hand as he tried to hold back his laughter. When he looked up, he found a pair of soft blue eyes sending him an amused but confused look. She was smiling slightly as she looked at him and he felt his cheeks heat up. He sent her an awkward smile making her shake her head and laugh as she turned back to the conversation around her. 

"UGHHH" Regulus groaned as Pandora and Evan laughed due to watching the awkward interaction. 

"Good job buddy, totally gonna win her over with that smile." Barty said as he clapped him on the shoulder chuckling. Regulus dug his elbow into his side causing the boy to move away from the boy's jabs. 


Sirius was a lot of things, but he wasn't stupid. Or he at least liked to think he wasn't stupid. He noticed the way his little brother eyed Daphne during dinner. It was driving him mad, and he couldn't help but try to hog all of her attention.  

"Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out after dinner?" Sirius whispered eyeing the girl nervously. She turned to look at the boy giving him an eager smile and nodding. He sighed in relief as he looked at the girl. Her soft deep blue eyes boring into his own steel gray ones. He couldn't help but feel nervous under the girl's gaze. He forced himself to look away as his friends laughed loudly. 

"Are you okay Sirius?" She asked softly sending me a puzzled look. Merlin her voice was beautiful he could listen to her talk all day. 

"Uh yea, yea I'm fine." he replied quickly as he stuttered slightly. James and Remus eyed Sirius for his odd behavior. They both noticed the odd behavior of the boy. The once flirty and loud playboy of Hogwarts had gone quiet and reserved. 

"You sure Pad's?" James asked as he looked at the boy slightly concerned. 

"Yea, you've been acting a bit odd." Remus adds as he finishes his food. Sirius flushes slightly as his friends give him quizzical looks. 

"He's fine just nervous." Peter chips in. The boys turn the blonde giving him confused looks. Sirius gives him a panicked look and Peter smiles. His eyes flicking between a confused Daphne and a panicked Sirius. 

"There's this girl he fancy's and he's scared he's screwed everything up." He says with a shrug and a sly smirk as he eats his potatoes. James and Remus exchange a knowing look before turning to Sirius with a sad expression.  

"Sirius Black fancy's a girl?" Remus asked with an unbelieving tone. "I don't believe that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius scoffed annoyed at Remus's comment. 

"You're a player. You said it yourself Pad's you don't fancy girls, they fancy you." Remus replied quoting his words from earlier this year. 

"Hey, do you want to go to the common room?" Daphne asked quietly taking his attention away from Remus. She could tell he was getting irritated and didn't want him to feel discouraged by the boy's and their opinions. 

"Yea, let's get out of here." Sirius mumbled as he stood up. Daphne led the way out of the Great Hall as they walked back to the common room in silence. 

They entered the empty common room making their way to the couch in front of the fireplace. Sirius sat curled into the corner of the couch. His mind was racing with thoughts. Did his friends really think he was incapable of wanting more than a quick shag? Did they think he was incapable of love? 

"So how about some wizard's chess?" Daphne asked with a small smile on her face. She had to admit hearing the Sirius fancied a girl hurt. She had always wanted him to reciprocate her feelings and he never did. What did this girl have that she didn't? It didn't matter much anymore. Daphne was moving on and she was happy now that she wasn't trying to catch Sirius's attention. 

"I'm so gonna kick your ass." He laughed as he quickly sat up to set up the game for them. Sirius was a master as wizard's chess, and he rarely lost. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself I've been practicing." Daphne smirked as she watched Sirius start the game. They played each taking their turn. Sirius had to admit the red head had improved since the last time they played but she was still no match for him. He noticed the way she played reminded him of someone in particular though. Her aggression and strategy reminded him of Regulus. That was who she'd been playing with. It irritated him realizing that the two were so close somehow. 

"I have to admit Regulus has taught you well... but not even he has beaten the master." He said with a cocky grin as he finished her off. The game was quick, but she held up better than he had expected. 

"It'll have to be a team effort to beat you then." Daphne replied with a chuckle. "So, are you going to tell me about this mystery girl?" She asked giving him a questioning look. 

"no." Sirius replied quickly avoiding the red heads gaze. 

"Oh, come onnnnnn" Daphne whined. "We're best friend's plus I'm a girl" she wiggled her eyebrows at him with a small grin. "I can give you some advice from a girls perspective." Sirius sighed as he eyed the girl thinking if he should say anything. 

"Fine." he replied causing the girl the squeal and dance in her seat out of excitement. 

"Okay tell me all about her. She must be special if she's got you to change your player ways." Daphne said shuffling closer. Sirius looked at the girl taking her all in trying to get his thoughts in order before opening his mouth. 

"She's great, beautiful, smart, funny. Merlin Daph she's perfect." He said with a breathy sigh and dreamy smile. Daphne sent him a warm smile. Her heart was hurting but she was happy for the boy. All she had ever wanted was for him to be happy. "I've known her for years now but uh I only recently came to accepting my feelings for her." He looked down fiddling with his fingers as he talked. 

"Well come on give me details, name, house, classes anything!" Daphne exclaimed as she hit him with a pillow. 

"NO! no no no. Not happening." Sirius said grabbing the pillow from the girl. 

"So, I know her?" Daphne questioned as she tried to wrestle the pillow from him. 

"no comment." Sirius said quickly scrambling away from the girl. 

"You're so boring, let me help youuuuu!" Daphne whined as she huffed and flung herself back down onto the couch. 

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