1. Autumn Leaves.

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"Look here, Frank," I squinted my eyes at the jock sitting infront of me. "This is me warning you, stay the fuck away from her. Clear?""

"Or what? What if I do not want to," an audience was starting to form around us. Frank is the school's team captain, that should tell you enough about me. A bland jock with bland features, spiced up by green eyes... which I kinda cute. Adorable, dare I say.

"Man, just stay the fuck away and stop testing me," I folded my hands over my chest, stopping them from shaking. "Touch her again and I swear to God, I will fucken rough you up."
I know I wouldn't but meh, who can check me?

"What the fuck is this," he scoffs. "What did she fucken tell you?"

"Everyone knows you been fucking that zombie, Tasha and you know what, she got you," I push myself past the little audience that had gathered behind me, leaving them gasping there.

"I asked you not to do that, now he is going to be mad at me," she says as soon as I am sat on our table, her eyes threatening to flow free.

"Do not start with me, Sansa."

"It was not your place!"

"How long do you plan on protecting him?" She pulls her hand back so fast, my own hand falling on the table. "Ok, I am sorry I did that, infront of everyone but I am not sorry I did it. He needs to be told off."

"You let this boy do whatever to you and what? I am supposed to watch? I am your fucken brother."

"You were adopted," she retorts, something I have grown used to.

"Same difference. Adopted or not, I am your brother and I will protect you."

"I did not ask you to," she says, still staring into the full parking lot. "Deal with your issues with your own girlfriend, and I will deal  with my own boyfriend."

"You know what? I am going to let you have this, I am going to class."

In the past four hours, Sansa has called twice and Michelle has called about ten times. Michelle gets like that so I am quite used to it.

As for Sansa, I really just hate how she always reminds me of how unrelated we really are- even when it is not intentional, she still does it. I thought roughly 5 years of us being in one space will help form something of a stable relationship between the two of us but somehow, Franklin always gets her way. It is always lik-

"What?" I shake her hands off of me, yanking off my headphones. "Sansa? Wha- what are you doing here?"

"You bunked classes and did not answer your phone, how is that the first thing you ask me?" She tucks a strand of hair behind her pierced ear. "And then I find you in the middle of a forest, staring into nowhere?!"

"I was?" I go back to where I had left my bag- how did I even leave the bag there? "Uh, I was just finishing my homeworks and I- how? What time is it?"

"What do you mean what time is it? Were you smoking weed? Oh my gosh, this is definitely going to be the icing on the cake because best believe, Michelle is fuming."

An ancient-looking ring falls from my books into the yellow/orange autumn leaves. "Why are you here, Sans?" I pick up the ring and absent-mindedly slip it onto my finger, loving how it feels against my skin.

"Uh, I wou-" my eyes quickly snap up on the tree over me, locking with the eyes of a cawing raven over us. Eventually, it flies away. "I am sorry for the things I said earlier. It is just that I love him."

"But does he love you?" I walk past her, picking up my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. "Did you bring your car or not," she yanks them out from her pocket, jiggling them as she walks past me with a smirk.

"What was that about?" She asks as she fixes the rearview mirror to look at me. "When I found you, you were totally zoned out."

"I wasn't," I mutter, not really sure myself.

"Do you also know that ravens are bad omens?" She turned around the corner of our street. "You say you do not believe in witchcraft, and all but I am telling you, something bad is about to happen."

"Don't you think you should stop spending time with nana," for as long as I can remember, Sansa and grandma have always been like two peas in a pond... and grandma is all about myths and all, maybe that is growing on Sansa too.

"You won't understand until you open up to the possibilities," she says with a soft tone as she parks the car behind Otis'. "Hey, why are you jumpi-" before she can even finish, I shut the door and  I walk through the garage door, which will help avoid any more interaction, with anyone else.

Do I forgive her? Sure but I also do know that she is going to say it again- it is a barrier just stands between us... she is trying to act like nothing happened earlier, I get that but does not mean I have to join in on the act... right?

I quickly slip the ring back on my finger when my phone rings for the 5th time in the last 30 minutes. “Hey,” I try to add something sweet but my mouth fails me plus-
“Are you cheating on me? I have been tirelessly calling you since what 2pm and you never answered so tell me, who are you fucking? Talk or els-”

“What are you on about? I was busy, Michelle. Can't I be?”

“What were you so busy with that you couldn't pick up your phone? I am sure you wouldn't die from a minute's call.”

“Michelle, gosh. Why do you always do this? Just trust me.”

“You know what? I will be at your house in 15 minutes and you better tell me the truth then.”

“It's past midnight, you cannot come her-” I throw my phone on the bed, running my ringed hand through my hair as I continue to walk into the bathroom. One thing about Michelle is that, when she is mad- her 15 minutes is actually just 5minutes. Plus she doesn't really have enough trust to give.

And just as guessed, I hear a car honking outside the minute I am done drying my face. The good thing about this, is that Sansa is probably in her room and Otis is back at work so I do not have to talk with any of them.

“I told you that you did not have to come,” she is in a pink top with teddy bears on it, matching with shorts- clearly was about to sleep or whatever.

“Really? That is the first thing you are going to say?”

“What? It is past midnight, on a school night and you want to talk about why I had my phone off?”

“Yes and I want the name of the bitch you are busy fucking,” her words sound bitter, callous... another thing I have grown used to.

“I am not fucking anyone, for goodness sake! I had work I needed to complete and this psycho act of yours is really starting to irritate me.”

“Oh, now I am the problem? Was it me who switched off my phone the entire day? No,” she flips her long black hair back. “Didn't we agree on communication?”

“We also agreed on trust. You cannot come to the conclusion that I am cheating on you, just because I had my phone off for over half an hour. Be fucking for real! I was studying and that's that! Anything else you want to know?”

“God help me because I swear I will kill you if you are cheating on me.”

“You know what? I am not going to do this with you so please,” I walk away from her, my back facing my driveway, too tired to feed her insecurities. “We will talk tomorrow at school, sleep it off.”

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