4. Spiked and Free.

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"Ambrose," Chief- our History teacher calls says with his back turned from us. "How far are you and Ms. Kasia? With the project?"

I lock eyes with Kasia across the room, still holding her gaze, "it is going well, Chief. Very well. Excellent, actually."

"Great. Remember," his hand quickly and abruptly moves on the board before he turns around. "No late submissions will be tolerated. Not even from new Ms. Kasia there on her phone," my eyes quickly rush to Kasia who puts her phone in her bag, with a smirk on her face. "Now, where were we? Oh yes..." I get a tap on my shoulder before he continues to teach.

"Why did you lie?"

"I did not lie. Why do you think I lied," I whisper back to her, turning slightly to be able to see Chief turning around.


"Why did you lie to what's his name," she furrows her eyebrows, followed by a quick snap of perfectly manicured, pale fingers. "Mr. Chief. Yes, that is the name."

"Well, I did not want to get in trouble over something that is almost done," I took a sip of my juice and she waited. "And why the sudden care? You did not give any for what, a week now."

"I guess it is my fault we did not meet this past weekend, I just got held up at some commitment" she pushes her untouched tray to the middle of the table, balancing her arms over the table. "Are you mad?"

"I am not."

"Are you sure?"

"I did almost all of the assignment already, probably 80% of it- by myself, Kasia so take a guess," I pick up my tray and leave her sitting on the table.

Disposing whatever that was left in the bin, I see people reflecting on the silver tray- people behind me. "Josh, Alex," I turn around to look at the two boys. "What is it?"

"What is it with what," I turn around to face them, Josh's hand hidden behind him.

I chuckle, "I am not in the mood for games today so speak up, boys."

"We just bought you these, for a tiny bit of favour," he shoves a white, coffee shop kinda box into me, resting it onto my hands. "Last time we asked for V's number and you did not get back with it, so we are asking again."

"V? Who is that?"

"Kasia. V for Vatore?"

"Urgh, ofcourse. Couldn't you have been more creative? Anyways, what are these," they look between each other, sharing a smile- a smile that puts me in a lot of uneasiness.

"Muffins. Just muffins," Alex says.
"Yes, chocolate muffins," Josh adds as Alex pushes him away from me.

"Hey, Celie. You doing good?"

"Oh, fine my boy. How are you? Done eating," she walks over to the counter, taking my tray.

"Yes, I am done. That was a good one," I took a bite at one of the chocolate muffins, barely being able to savor it.

"Always got y-"

"Fight! Fight! Fight," we both look to where the commotion is coming from.

"Do you maybe know someone who has blonde hair, a leather jacket," a squirmy, short girl says.

"I saw you with her, a few minutes ago, over there," she points directly to where the commotion is coming from.

"Yes, uh. That would be Kasia," Celie looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh, Kasia? She-"

"Better go help your friend," Celie says, carelessly turning around from the teenage adrenaline.

"Actually, she is not the one that needs saving," squirmy girl- probably a junior says.

"What does that mean," I see her little frame walk out the cafeteria, with careful movements so I rush over to the ruckus.

"Kasia! Stop this right now," Mrs. Groff says through gritted teeth as he tries to pull Kasia off of the bleeding boy- how he is not able to pull her off is a mystery, considering how skinny she looks. I squeeze myself past the hollering students

"Kasia! Stop," I swear I am pulling her but... it is just not happening. I also feel fuzzy and a little bit disoriented so do not blame me for catching her fist. Her eyes widen in realization, softening up at me as my nose bleeds.

"Am, I am so- " the boy tries to tackle her but gets a punch, "told you, this is custom-made Schiaperelli," she flexes her fingers and Mr. Groff takes the chance to pull her off. "Let me go, old man," she manages to free herself from his hold, picking up her leather jacket off the floor.

"You, to the headmistress' office. Now," he points at Kasia, almost fuming. "And you! Follow her."

"For what, sir?"

"Do not ask questions, go. Someone take this boy to the nurse," he snickers. "Damn kid, got what he deserved," he says in a whisper.

"What happened?"

"I was ju-"

"Not asking you," she almost replies back but bites on her bottom lip, which makes me laugh.
Not a normal, "haha," but a, "this is so fucken, haha, such a fucken funny thing. He, haha, got hit by a girl!"

"Ambrose, what was that?"

"I just think," I laugh more when I see her face reddening. "Don't you think it is funny?"

"Kasia, what did you feed him?"
"Me? Again?"

"I said, what did you give him?"
"I don't know, he just had something from the cafeteria."

"No, he definitely took something. This is not the Ambrose I know," I scoff.

"This is me, Mrs. Guzzie. Oh, and some chocolate muffins, want some? Oh, seems like I forgot my lunchbox in the cafeteria," she glares at cackling Kasia quicker than a lightning.

"Stop this ri-"

"Hey guys, I don't feel quite go-" I feel my speech become more and more slurred, my head spinning and buzzing all at the same time.

Just this morning, I cared to not make teachers angry... now I was laughing in the headmistress' office.

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