The Lone Bakery (Title might change)

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Arthur Kirkland was walking through a lone street from his way to work when he noticed something he didn't remember being there a while ago.

A bakery.

It seemed new as well for that corner building was freshly painted and the inside seemed warm and welcoming.
Curious of the new shop, Arthur enters and is greeted by a French man who just moved here and actually owned the small business.

How he wished he had never steped foot in there!

He never thought he'd meet someone he dislike so much, the mere thought of them would put him in a sour mood.
Soon though, he finds himself growing fonder of the man and then one day, Arthur had a favor he desperately needed for Francis to accept.

This turn of life changing events would soon send the two on one of the most wildest, crazies yet wonderful experiences they'd ever have.

Who knows, maybe going into that bakery wasn't such a big mistake after all?


Oh look, another story in the maki- *shot*
No! Staph! You have enough prompts to work on! You don't need to add more to that list! Bad person!
Too bad ψ(`∇')ψ FrUK fools!
Well I'm a horrible writer *rolls away*

Haha no for real, I just got this idea right now and what do you guys say? Up for a little FrUK?

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