Chapter 18 One Night At Freddy's

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Unlike most nights, which were usually calm and quiet with the moon shining down. This one was filled with a tense atmosphere in the air, the wind was slowly blowing, cooling down the sweaty skin of the students.

Quirks have been society's 'go-to' defence for any given situation. So the fact that Class 1-A weren't allowed their powers for this exercise, made them worry indeed. It's amazing how they rely on them so much, their whole world flips upside down once they're gone.

Midoriya was cut out of his thoughts when a shrieking scream echoed through the woods. Someone had been found. He wasn't sure who. Hopefully, they got away in time.

"Hey! Midoriya!" Iida whisper-shouted to him from behind a bush.

The boy took no chances and ran behind the same bush. Uraraka and Tsu were also there.

"No pages?" Uraraka received a no in response. "Dang...where could they be?"

"They could be anywhere," Tsu stated. ("Ribbit.")

"Not only that, we need to know what we're dealing with here." Said Midoriya.

"I checked the border," Iida said, pointing off in a certain direction, "It's about as wide as 3 football fields long. There might be a chance where the pages are actually inside the camp itself."

"To think that you only introduced us to the kids only a few weeks ago. This is already too much to handle!" Said Uraraka.

"Do you have a plan, Midoriya?" Iida questioned.

Midoriya placed his finger on his chin, thinking about how they could get out of this situation. All they needed to do was find one page for themselves and head back to Aizawa, who was back at camp. But will the children attack even if they have a page? What if one of them was in possession of a page themselves?

The boy looks back up, "Here's what I know:

"Bonnie is the most aggressive out of them all. He's fast but should be easy to shake off. Chica is the same as Bonnie, but her cupcake acts on its own. If we run into the cupcake, then we run into her."

"Foxy is the fastest out of the group. It would be impossible to outrun him. Our best bet is to get out of sight as soon as possible. Duck behind trees as he runs by or something and hopefully we might lose him.

"Freddy is the quietest of them all. He's the slowest, but he likes to stay in the dark and he'll probably catch us off-guard if weren't not careful. Keep low and check our corners (if there even is any in this forest) and we should be fine."

Midoriya paused, "As for Golden Freddy..."

Cassidy and Evan might be the hardest to deal with. Even if they can't move, their suit can teleport all around the place. If they aren't careful, they might accidentally run into the children before they even know it.

Heck, maybe teleporting isn't all they can do! Maybe they have telekinesis powers too!

The boy looked back to his friends, "I...don't know."

"WHAT?!!" Uraraka shouted but was quickly shushed by Iida.

"I don't know what to do about them! They're the least interaction I had with!" Midoriya defended, "If we're going to do this, then we need to stay out of sight!"

If not, they'll be taking the extra lessons with Aizawa next night. And while he appreciates learning, he doesn't want to take any extra lessons thank you very much.

Just then, the area was covered in a layer of red light. To their horror, the students saw a brown, furry mascot towering over them with red glowing eyes.

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