Chapter 19 Going Back

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'You set the stage, all by yourself, 

You have the job, you do it well.

And play your part,

To host their final farewell.'

The only time the students could actively rest during the day was lunch. A 30-minute break before heading straight back to quirk training. However, it was enough time for Midoriya to go and visit the kids.

It lit up his heart every time he saw the kids welcome or said hi, children shouldn't have to suffer at such a young age, let alone have their life end short. So if they can't live a good life, then he'll do as much as he can to make every other moment happy for them.

"And you landed in Mexico which is MY land," Jeremy smirked, holding his hand out, "$200 please."

"This is so unfair!" Susie whined, paying the boy his money, "Half of the time you're wasting your money buying land, or you're simply just paying other people your money!"

"Ye jus' gotta be careful about wha' ye choose, me heartie." Fritz stated, eagerly rolling the dice, "Play yer cards right, 'n next thing ye know, ye're as rich as a tailed imp!"

"That's literally the equivalent of sitting in a tree, eating bananas." Susie sighed. After a few turns, she was running low on budget and was at risk of being bankrupt.

"Well, to be fair, it's a luck-based game. There's not really much to go off from that." Gabriel stated, counting his fair share, "So far, I say Fritz really has the Monopoly."

The room fell silent, much to Gabriel's confusion.

"What?" He asked. Jeremy's face lit up.

"HE DID IT!" He cried, "HE SAID A PUN!!!"

"What-NO!" The leader rejected, "I didn't mean it that way!"

"He said it! He said it!" Jeremy chanted, he turned around, "Cassidy! Did you hear that?!"

The golden bear in the corner did not respond to his question, much to his displeasure. She did not participate in the game, and more or less seemed lost in her own thoughts.

"Cassidy? Didn't you hear?" He asked again.

"Indeed, good to hear it." She responded with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Aw come on goldilocks, where did the fun go all of a sudden? You really enjoyed last night when we went to prey on Deku's friends, what happened to that?"

"For clarification, I was not in control." She stated, "Evan was the one who enjoyed himself."

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