Chapter 5: 'Too young for one's conclusion.'

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(Yes, the title of the chapter is literally a lyric from I'm Broken from Pantera.)

TW: Mentions of an anxiety/panic attack, mentions of death, swearing.

*Ethan's POV: . . .*

I . . . How?

'Pops is calling on the other line. Better be urgent, I suppose.' I thought to myself as I answered the phone.

All I could hear was irregular, rather shaky breaths from the other end of the phone.

" alright?" I asked, in deep concern over his mental wellbeing.

I could tell that Pops was trying to mask his emotions, typically over him being afraid for his own vulnerability at certain points in life. Finally, Pops had spoken.

"Hey, Buddy. . . Uh, oh god, this is so hard for me to say. . ."

Pops cut himself off briefly, as if he was on the verge of tears from something. No . . . please be nothing wrong. . . especially if it's something I did? Maybe? I don't know. . .

"Honey, your dad just got caught into the midst of a car accident, and well-"

I couldn't believe this. Why, out of all people, Dad, getting caught into something as deadly as this? It can't just be like Phillip's. . . right?

And as if my suspicions were correct however, which they were devastatingly, Pops started to sob on the other line as he further explained, "He's dead, Ethan."

Those three words can impact a shit ton of people, especially, since it was your own father, slaughtered by someone's own manhandling. This. . . is absolute bullshit that people would ever do something to someone, especially FUCKING DAD?!

"Ethan, you still there?" 

I had unintentionally spaced out due to my never-to-be-able-to-turn-off mind, as I answered Pops as quickly as I could.

"I-I'm sorry you had to witness the call, Pops. . . If only there was a way, he'd-"

I stopped myself as I nearly started to bawl up.

'Ethan, you don't do this ever if Phillip's near you. . . ever.' I had thought, trying to withstand the urge to break down.

"It's alright, Ethan. Just so you know, remember, you're not alone."

After Pops had said that, he started to sob. It's definitely getting too much for him.

"Pops, I'm coming home right away. I can't leave you alone right now, especially in this state. . ."

As I said that, I tried to calm down by grabbing ahold of a small Dumbo plush out of my pocket, my emotional support plushie.

"No, Ethan, you shouldn't-"

I immediately cut Pops off, practically yelling from how loud I'm projecting my voice.

"No, I fucking damn will, I just- I can't express much of. . . you know?"

I was shell-shocked with a straight face at this point.

"Can't what? Oh- Emotions?"

Pops said that rather curiously, but he did sound a bit confused as well.

"Yes! But frankly, for what happened today, everything's weighing on me at the moment. I. . . really need to go home."

Just then, I grabbed my stuff off of the pavement.

"If you're in one of your states, then yes, I'd advise for you to come home right now."

Pops had sounded morbidly saddening at the moment, so I hung up and started to leave Phillip.

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