chapter 37:the lost phenex pt 2

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The opulent chambers of Lord Regan, leader of the Phenex clan, resonated with an air of authority. His stern countenance spoke of power and prestige, a demeanor unaccustomed to any form of interruption. However, the tranquility was shattered as a servant, seemingly agitated, entered the room.

Lord regan:What is the meaning of this interruption?

Regan's voice boomed, his irritation evident.

The servant, undeterred by the looming authority, presented a parchment stained with a deep crimson hue. Regan's expression shifted from annoyance to intrigue as he unfolded the ominous message, written in blood.

The characters etched in crimson warned of impending consequences, a declaration that sent a shiver down the Phenex leader's spine. The air in the room thickened with tension as Regan processed the gravity of the message.

Lord regan:Whose blood is this?

he demanded, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The servant, with a tremor in his voice, replied

Servant:My lord, the blood belongs to one of our own. The message is clear—they are coming for us.

Regan's brow furrowed as he grappled with the implications of the blood-written warning.

Regan:Who dares to challenge the Phenex clan?

he muttered, more to himself than to the servant.

The dialogue unfolded as a cryptic exchange between the authoritative leader and the servant bearing news that transcended mere interruption. The message, written in blood, spoke of an adversary with a boldness that defied convention.

The room, once a bastion of composure, now crackled with an uneasy energy. The parchment, stained with the essence of a Phenex, became a harbinger of an impending storm—a storm that threatened to unravel the very fabric of the esteemed clan.

The air in Lord Regan's chambers held an air of tension as the first servant delivered the blood-written warning. In the midst of the unfolding uncertainty, another servant entered, his eyes widening in stunned disbelief as he recognized the unexpected presence of Rai.

The second servant stammered

Servant:My lord, it's... it's Rai. He's here.

Regan's eyes narrowed, a mix of surprise and apprehension flickering across his features.

Lord regan:Rai? What does he want here? This is no ordinary visit.

The second servant, still grappling with the shock of Rai's presence, replied,

Second servant:He... he left a message. It says, 'The Phenex clan will pay for this.'

A heavy silence descended upon the room as Regan processed the implications. Rai's unexpected appearance, coupled with the ominous message, created a scenario that demanded careful consideration.

Lord regan:What does he mean by 'pay for this'? What have we done to incur his wrath?

Regan mused, his tone a mix of frustration and curiosity.

The second servant, torn between loyalty to his clan and the unsettling revelation, could only offer a tentative response.

Second servant:I don't know, my lord. But he seemed determined, and the warning is written in the blood of our own.

Regan, realizing the gravity of the situation, clenched his fists.

Regan:repare for his arrival. We must face this head-on. Rai's intentions will not go unchallenged.

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