Chapter Part 4 Christmas/How They Got To Amphibia

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Writer: Marcy Didn't want to go out in the snow because she was sick.

Guys, guys, look outside! It's snowing! Anne exclaimed excitedly. Anne, can you not drag me with you? Marcy whined, not as enthusiastic about going outside in the cold snow. Come on, Marcy, let's go enjoy this winter wonderland together, Anne added with a grin. No! Marcy cried, clearly upset. There might be a reason why Marcy doesn't want to go out in the snow. Maybe she's feeling sick or has some other reason. It would be a good idea to ask her if everything is okay. Anne thought. Hey, uh Marcy are you okay, You seem to be a bit on edge. Anne asked with a bit of worry. A-Anne, please leave me alone for a while. Marcy whined out. Lilah could be heard in the background. Ah, not again! Lilah cried out. Marcy and Anne went to check on Lilah, only to find a mess in the living room and Lilah trying to fix everything. Sasha, Lilah what on earth happened? asked Anne. Marcy looked horrified in the background. Sasha Lilah's Cousin sighed and said something exploded, and we don't know what it is yet, because we haven't found the source of it. Marcy fainted in fear. Um, guys, I found it. Lilah said in fear. Sasha and Anne, Marcy helped Lilah get the thing out of the house, and into the outside trashcan. Marcy shivered from the cold she looked a bit feverish as well. Anne, Sasha, and Lilah looked at her with worry in their eyes. Marcy, are you sure you are okay? asked Anne with worry. I'm fine Anne, why can't you guys believe me? Marcy said a bit white-faced now. Yeah no you are going to bed right now misy! Lilah said a bit loud, dragging Marcy to Anne's bedroom that she was in before all of the shit that happened. 

Writer: well that's the end of the first half of the chapter. I hope you were intrigued by it.

How They Got To Amphibia

Lilah, Marcy, Yn, and Sasha, Anne were in the park. Lilah said, guys maybe we shouldn't do this stealing the Music Box is wrong. I agree with Lilah. Anne added. however, Sasha stated it was too late to return the item, and that they could sell it. Hey, how about we open it first to see what is inside it? Marcy added Anne looked at Lilah who was looking at the ground muttering to herself about how Yn and her would get grounded, Anne then looked at Sasha who looked like she was amused. Guys, I want to know what may be inside the Music Box. Marcy said as she looked Vexed. Yn soon got the courage to open the Music Box, as she opened it, Lilah hissed Yn you will be so grounded when we get home. was the last thing she said before a bright light flashed and they and the Music Box were gone. As Lilah, Marcy, and Yn woke up they noticed that they were no longer in LA and that Anne and Sasha weren't with them. on the other hand, Anne was in a forest near a town called Wartwood, and Sasha was at Toad Tower in a cell.

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