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Four || Ted 

Kiwi By Harry Styles

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"Is this thing on?" Mercury asked, tapping the microphone as she walked out from the black curtain. The crowd cheered and a smile formed on my face as I clapped for her. I had a great view from here, being in the front row and all. "I guess it is."

The brunette sat crisscrossed the small couch and smiled out at everyone in the crowd. Her eyes hadn't landed on mine yet, but I knew the moment she'd seen me. Her hand immediately started playing with the strings of her ripped jeans when she'd seen me. And when our eyes locked? All of her movements stopped, as did mine. My breathing paused, my heart stuttering in my chest in effect.

"Now, first things first, I'm going to set some ground rules. Last night's panel was completely uncalled for. I thankfully won't be alone, but if any of you were participating in giving me rather rude comments or questions, you may leave. Moving on from that, let's bring out the other half of the Saturn and Mercury duo. Give it up for Saturn!" She said, eyes glancing around to everyone in the crowd, but always landing back to mine and lingering longer.

"What is- oh okay it's working now! Hello everyone!" Saturn greeted, skipping over to the couch. "I hope everyone has come prepared with questions and some high expectations! The lines can start forming as we start to talk about some new things you can experience in the upcoming months!"

"So we'll be traveling a bunch! We have some collabs with unexpected youtubers! We're talking about starting a podcast and being on some more podcasts!" Mercury started, her eyes staying on me this time. Her iris's burned into mine and I could feel the hairs on my arms start to rise as goosebumps started forming.

I came here to fuck with her like she did on my panel, how is this backfiring?

"More specifically related to the twitch channel, more Minecraft content as well as some new games too!" Saturn said, a huge smile on her face as she put her thumbs up. "Any questions you have you may ask. We'll go left mic to the right and continue in that order. We only have about forty-five minutes so make sure to keep up pace!"

"Hi! I'm Destiny and my question is for Mercury." The girl stated.

"Hi, Destiny, it's very nice to meet you! What's your question?" Mercury asked, pulling her eyes away from mine and to the mic furthest away from me on my right.

"Do you have any friends outside of streaming who stream but you don't stream with? Sorry if that's confusing." The girl stated with a soft tone. She couldn't have been more than fourteen and she was shy.

"That's not confusing at all! I definitely have friends outside of streaming and some of them stream, most of them don't though. The ones that do stream, I personally don't stream with. Most of those friends have been lifelong friends and i don't want the internet to ruin that bond. Thank you for your question!" Mercury stated, her tone absolutely soft and gentle but you could see she was excited to be there.

"Hi! I'm Aria and if you could choose anyone to stream with, who would it be?"

"Oh my god! I would totally stream with Wilbur Soot, hands down." Mercury said with a small laugh.

"I'd stream with Tommyinnit. I've tried, but he won't stream animal crossing with me and I don't want to be bullied on Minecraft with him." Saturn laughed after her statement, covering her mouth a tad.

"You heard it here first, Tommyinnit, go stream with Saturn." Mercury said into her mic. Her eyes fell back onto mine after speaking. They lingered in me for a good few seconds before moving back to the other mic.

"Do you have any animals?" A girl asked. Her voice was quiet and you could tell she was nervous.

"We do! We have two cats. One gray fluffy one named Theo and the other is an orange cat named Peaches. You can tell who names peaches." Saturn answered with a smile. The questions went on for a while, though towards the end they became weirder and weirder. The final one set me off a tad.

"Are either of you single? If so how open would you be to date someone who watches you?" A man asked, obviously a tad older than the rest of the fans asking questions. Both girls paused at the question and immediately Mercury's eyes met mine. I could see the panic in her eyes immediately as well as the disgust swirling.

"We're both in happy and healthy relationships. On that note, I'm afraid that's all the time we have today. It was so amazing talking to everyone we got to! We'll be walking around a bit and if you see either of us, feel free to come up and ask for a picture! We love you guys! Bye!" Mercury stated, quickly bidding a goodbye as they stood up and walked out.

I stood from my seat, Charlie and Ted a ways behind me, and walked to the exit. Immediately Schlatt walked past me, Charlie in tow, and we followed him back behind the curtains where the girls would be.

"That's so fucked up, who asks something like that?" Schlatt said, enraged at the type of questions being asked at the end.

"You should've seen it last night." Mercury said, taking off her mic pack and handing it to the crew before helping Saturn's with hers, "I went to find you afterwards but couldn't."

"Did you try my hotel room?" Schlatt asked, looking at Mercury with his arms crossed over his chest. I felt a flash of panic arise in me. She did and she's the girl you caught me fucking last night, but her no hard feelings right?

"Yeah, nobody answered so I went out for a bit." Mercury lied with a shrug. She did it so effortlessly, I felt stunned.

"Huh, alright. Ted had some bitch over so, that's probably why he didn't get the door." Schlatt said with a small chuckle.

"Dude, not everyone needed to know that." I said, elbowing him as I spoke.

"What? You get bitches, its okay, Ted. We know it's not normal." Schlatt joked.

"Lay off man." I laughed, pushing him away from me. "Plus, she's not a bitch. She's a very respectable woman."

"Ted, it's okay." Charlie joined in on the joking, "No need to explain yourself. We get it."

"Fuck off, you're both single." I joked.

"Are we done now?" Saturn said, shaking off her feelings of disgust.

"We're done now kid." Mercury said, wrapping an arm around her sister's shoulders. "Wanna just walk around a bit then go to dinner?"

"You're paying then." Schlatt said with a shrug before wandering off.

"You don't actually have to pay." Charlie said before following him. Saturn ran up to Schlatt and jumped on his back.

"Let's go pretty boy, think you can keep up?" She asked me, walking backwards as her combat boots hit the floor.

"Definitely." I said, looking her up and down before following behind her.

"Walk 'em like a dog." She sighed, turning around and looking at the chipping paint on her nails. I continuously wondered how they'd feel dragging down my back and leaving red marks in their wake. "Stop undressing me with your eyes."

"I think I'm just enjoying the view." I whispered, leaning down so my mouth was just behind her ear. "Especially after the show you put on earlier."

I walked off in front of her and I could hear her chuckle low behind me. We walked around for hours, catching up with different people and doing different activities around the area. Eventually we all made our way to the front of the building and went out for dinner. It was quite uneventful unless you count Mercury doing everything in her power to make me fold eventful, then I'd say my night was rather packed. 

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