Chapter 1

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Stella's POV
I woke up early to my alarm as today is the day Jazzy and Bof are going to be here along with three of our friends Theo, Dee and Vey. I got up at 6AM to get ready. Once I was up I cleaned my room up a bit and then got dressed. I then had to do laundry so I grabbed my dirty clothes and went to the laundry room. I placed my clothes in the washer and then went back upstairs once I started it. Once I was in my room I grabbed my phone and started to do some makeup. I knew today was going to be emotional for me but I put on eyeliner and mascara anyways. Once I was done I grabbed my phone that was next to me and went downstairs. I see misty so she follows me and cuddles me. I go on my phone while misty fell asleep. I then saw my mom come in with a camera.

"Ohh here Stella. Are you exited for today" Mom asks.

"Yeah, just have to wait till 12 to go get Bof and Jazzy with the girls then be back at the airport around 3 for Theo, Dee, Vey" I say.

"Dad and I are going to take you" mom says. She then shuts off the camera.

"Okay" I say.

"So what time are the others coming" mom asks.

"They should be here around 10 so we can be on the road by 10:15"I say.

"Alright there breakfast if you want any" Mom says.

"I'm good" I say.

"Okay" Mom says. I then heard the washer beep so I moved missy and went to go get it. I put my wet clothes in the dryer and put into the a dryer seat and then started the drying. I then felt my phone buzz so I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was 8:49 and there were messages from the group of my girlfriends.

We're ready early so we will be there by 9:30 - Tiffany

Okay I'll probably be doing laundry still then so just come to my room when your here - Stella

Alright - Heather

I then put my phone on my pocket. I then go back down to my room but I see Kylie with boxes full of Christmas stuff. I took a box to help her we then brought it to the room we needed.

"Thank you Stella" Kylie says.

"Of course" I say. I then went to my room. Once in my room I go on my phone and scroll through TikTok for a bit. It was then 9:10 and my clothes were done so I got up and went to the laundry room. I take my clothes out and then went back to my room. Once in my room I started to hang up my laundry. After about 10 minutes I heard my door open. I look over to see Tiffany, Courtney, Cheyenne, Elisabeth, Maya and Heather come in.

"Hey there beautiful" Heather says coming to ver to hug me.

"Hi" I say. Heather then turns and kisses me.

"Are you ready" Cheyenne asks.

"YES, I'm so ready I kiss them it not the same when they're on the phone" I say.

"I know and we get to cosplay and go to my house to play cards against humanity though" Tiffany says.

"And they're here till after new years" Courtney says.

"That will be so fun" Maya says.

"Just a few more hour" Elisabeth says.

"No promises that I won't cry" I say putting my last shirt in the closet. I then move my basket back to its spot. I then go sit on my bed with my girls and they take me in a hug.

"What time are we leaving" Elisabeth asks.

"Around 10:30 since it take and hour and a half to get there" I say.

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